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my Heal interface is a bit different to my tank/dd. So I always have to switch between Profiles.Would be great to have a profile per spec like the one from Shadow Unit Frames, which supports multiple Specs.
Note, this would be an extraordinarily easy change to make, as well as being a must-have. I almost switched away from Quartz because it lacked this feature, but then I discovered it was really easy to add multi-spec support in my own copy - see - please consider adding it :-)
I did it too on my local copy and it is indeed a very easy change to make.
For those of you who have difficulty doing this after installing LibDualSpec-1.0 addon, insert these 4 lines to line 37 in Quartz.toc file.
# OptionalDeps: LibDualSpec-1.0 #@no-lib-strip@ libs\LibDualSpec-1.0\LibDualSpec-1.0.lua #@end-no-lib-strip@
And insert these three lines to Config.lua between line 207 and 208
local LibDualSpec = LibStub('LibDualSpec-1.0') LibDualSpec:EnhanceDatabase(self.db, "Quartz3") LibDualSpec:EnhanceOptions(LibStub("AceDBOptions-3.0"):GetOptionsTable(self.db), self.db)
This issue can still be solved by the comment above. I hope that it gets merged in one day.
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