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UploadedOct 1, 2009
Size248.56 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.2.0
r290 | danielbarron | 2009-10-01 22:52:23 +0000 (Thu, 01 Oct 2009) | 4 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Buffs.lua
M /trunk/Config.lua
M /trunk/Core.lua
M /trunk/RaidBuffStatus.toc
M /trunk/ReadMe.txt
- Fixed tool tip for Paladin Seal.
- There is now a separate option for automatic whispers for Fish Feast and Soul Well.
- Fixed out of range message for some buffs and resurrections.
r289 | danielbarron | 2009-09-25 19:05:29 +0000 (Fri, 25 Sep 2009) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Buffs.lua
M /trunk/Core.lua
M /trunk/RaidBuffStatus.toc
M /trunk/ReadMe.txt
- Right-clicking or Alt-clicking on the dead buff check will automatically resurrect the dead.
- Added Seal of Command to the acceptible Paladin Seals after its buff from 3.2.2.
- Now all Paladins are expected to Seal up - not just Holy.
- Default sort order of the talent report window is now by Role.
r288 | danielbarron | 2009-09-14 21:48:02 +0000 (Mon, 14 Sep 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/RaidBuffStatus.toc
- Shortened title.
r287 | danielbarron | 2009-09-14 07:30:37 +0000 (Mon, 14 Sep 2009) | 7 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Buffs.lua
M /trunk/Core.lua
M /trunk/RaidBuffStatus.toc
M /trunk/ReadMe.txt
- CTRA and PLPWR messages are no longer sent in battlegrounds.
- RBS will be disabled in battlegrounds by default.
- Durability will no longer be checked in battlegrounds.
- Item checks like Healthstone will no longer be checked in battlegrounds.
- Pally Power will no longer be used in battlegrounds.
- In combat the dashboard will hide its buttons making it even smaller.
r285 | danielbarron | 2009-09-12 19:20:20 +0000 (Sat, 12 Sep 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Core.lua
- Minor debug update.
r284 | danielbarron | 2009-09-09 07:40:35 +0000 (Wed, 09 Sep 2009) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Core.lua
M /trunk/RaidBuffStatus.toc
M /trunk/ReadMe.txt
- Fixed buffing when out of reagents on raid buffs.
r283 | danielbarron | 2009-09-07 22:28:31 +0000 (Mon, 07 Sep 2009) | 5 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Buffs.lua
M /trunk/Config.lua
M /trunk/Core.lua
M /trunk/RaidBuffStatus.toc
M /trunk/ReadMe.txt
- Corrected spelling of "melee".
- Now auto-whisper of people missing a Soul Stone or Well Fed buff is only done if you are a leader or assistant.
- Food announce and whispers are now disabled in battlegrounds.
- Added option to enable and disable the auto-whisper.
r282 | danielbarron | 2009-08-28 12:48:13 +0000 (Fri, 28 Aug 2009) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Buffs.lua
M /trunk/Config.lua
M /trunk/Core.lua
M /trunk/RaidBuffStatus.toc
M /trunk/ReadMe.txt
- Split death warnings for DPS in to mele and ranged.
- Corrected translation for deDE Rogue poison.