Uploaded by
UploadedFeb 26, 2015
Size1.40 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 6.1.0
r419 | allara | 2015-02-26 17:25:19 +0000 (Thu, 26 Feb 2015) | 1 line
Changed paths:
A /tags/r418-release (from /trunk:418)
Tagging as r418-release
r418 | allara | 2015-02-25 18:35:33 +0000 (Wed, 25 Feb 2015) | 2 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Core.lua
M /trunk/Locales.lua
M /trunk/Options_Defaults.lua
- Half-Empty Food Container: Corrected this item so it no longer might show up as a duplicate listing of Satyr Charm
- Added Bone Serpent, Slithershock Elver, Young Talbuk from the Critters of Draenor quest with placeholder drop rates (thanks Urtgard)
r416 | allara | 2015-02-24 18:29:13 +0000 (Tue, 24 Feb 2015) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Core.lua
M /trunk/Modules/Options/Rarity_Options.toc
M /trunk/Rarity.toc
- Initial 6.1 compatibility. There may be more remaining issues to fix.
r414 | allara | 2015-02-04 17:42:55 +0000 (Wed, 04 Feb 2015) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Core.lua
M /trunk/Options_Defaults.lua
- Solar Spirehawk: Added defeat detection; turned off bonus roll
r412 | allara | 2015-01-28 21:21:15 +0000 (Wed, 28 Jan 2015) | 1 line
Changed paths:
M /trunk/Core.lua
M /trunk/Options_Defaults.lua
- Snowy Panda, Mountain Panda: This should fix detection issues with those pets