- Rarity now has a Discord server!
If you're interested in following the development process or contributing, you should also check out the official GitHub repository. We're always in need of more hands to help us make the addon better!
Rarity tracks how many times you've tried to obtain various rare items like mounts, battle pets, and toys. It will tell you how likely you are to obtain the item, track how long you've been farming for it, and tell you how lucky you've been so far. Although it's mostly used for mounts, battle pets, and toys, it supports pretty much any item, including profession patterns, archaeology projects, and more.
Looking for Rarity Item Packs? Click here.
Out of the box, Rarity includes support for every single mount, battle pet, and toy in the game which require some time to farm. It also includes support for some mount-related items like Skyshard, Primal Egg, and Giant Dinosaur Bone. It'll even notice if you mouseover a Mysterious Camel Figurine, plus lots of other stuff. Rarity factors in the size of a typical group when determining probabilities, and can also tell you if you've killed various bosses this week (or day). Holiday just started, and you didn't notice? Rarity will give you a helpful reminder to run those holiday dungeons or daily quests if you still need an item from them.
If Rarity doesn't track something you want to track, you can add it yourself! Just about everything is user configurable.
Curious what math is going on behind the scenes? The author of Bunny Hunter created the original algorithms. He wrote an article about it here. Your chance to obtain an item doesn't increase as you farm it; Rarity is just telling you how lucky you've been so far. It can be remarkably cathartic to see a progress bar move up as you spend hours upon hours trying for that Disgusting Oozeling.
Main features
- Rarity is primarily an LDB feed with a large tooltip. It can function as either a mini-map icon (you have to turn this on in the options), or as a standard LDB feed (use a display like Fortress, Button Bin, Titan Panel, or Chocolate Bar).
- Provides a progress bar, which you can toggle by clicking the icon or feed label.
- Adds info to NPC and item tooltips, showing you if it drops or contains something that Rarity tracks. Rare mobs with a guaranteed drop show which item they drop and if you've defeated them yet.
- Includes full source info, telling you how to obtain everything Rarity tracks.
Other features
- Share packs of items with other users
- Can automatically add waypoints to TomTom for certain items
- Uses statistics whenever possible to keep track of attempts
- Breaks your farming down by session, day, week, and month
- Looks at your instance locks to see if you've defeated various bosses recently
- Reminds you if you need to farm a holiday dungeon or daily quest, and hides holiday items that aren't available right now
- Supports bonus coin rolls
- Automatically screenshots when you obtain an item
- Keeps track of rare achievements like Frostbitten and Glorious
- You can add your own items to track
- Lets you modify your attempt count without having to edit saved variables
- Automatically imports data from Bunny Hunter if you're switching
Slash Commands
Simply typing /rarity should open the options menu (unless disabled).
For troubleshooting issues:
- /rarity dump displays the most recent debug log entries (even if the debug mode is disabled)
- /rarity validate checks the consistency of your item database, including custom items (experimental)
Comments & bug reports
Help translate Rarity
Click here to help translate Rarity into your language.
Frequently Asked Questions
Click here to read the Frequently Asked Questions. Please read this before requesting support.
Can I have you do me a favor? Do this:
@Allara Maybe it has to do with the Localization. I am playing with a German Wow version.
I am unable to reproduce your issue. Looting mobs in Northern Stranglethorn and The Cape of Stranglethorn correctly increment the attempt counter for Hyacinth Macaw.
Make sure the item has tracking enabled.
Are you in a non-US locale? If so, this could be the issue, although it's supposed to work in any language. Let me know what language you're running.
Hi, thanks for this great Addon, will help me a lot on my way to the 150 Companions. :) Today i tried to farm the Parrot Cage (Hyacinth Macaw) but Rarity didnt count any of the mobs i looted in STV. Maybe I am doing something wrong. :)
Edit: Other non Zone drops like the Fox Kit were counted very well.
There's no good way for me to know that you're looting arch fragments vs. a mob, without scanning for the arch fragments by ID. I'll work on adding that logic in, it should eliminate the issue. It is pretty minor though.
Was doing an arch project in Hillsbrad today, and the first archaeology loot counted towards the cat carrier, but only the first, pretty minor and odd that it was only the first loot.
Dalaran worked perfect, running alongside fishing buddy and count was perfect, have not got to check Mr. Pinchy but will try to tomorrow. Also went through and added the Shattrath fishing daily crocs and will try to check those tomorrow also.
Only problem I am having is that tracking for Sprite Darter Hatchling is turned off & I cannot turn it back on... the box just won't tick.
Thanks again for a great tracking addon. <3
THANK YOU for this add on! I just decided to go insane and work on the pet achievements, and I would have gone nuts without this. I downloaded the Alpha and fell in love, and am loving it even more now that the beta is up. Especially the achievement pop up. I would have completely missed looting my firefly because my bags were full.
OK, that was actually a heck of a lot of work, hehe. But those two items are now added.
Fishing is really finnicky unfortunately. There's no reliable way to know if you're fishing in a pool, so I have to scan your tooltip. So you have to mouseover the pool everytime you fish, or I don't know that you're in one.
Anyway, test those out and let me know if it works.
Fixed in r22 alpha. Remember that neither of your fishing scenarios will quite work as of now. I will need to extend the fishing detection in a few ways to support them. I'll add both of the items you suggested to the defaults once I do.
Hrm, it was working yesterday. Thanks for letting me know, will investigate.
Trying to add a new item via name or ID is not doing anything in r21 on my end. When I click okay, it just clears the entry box and get nothing added to any of the top tabs.
You can add your own custom items now.
Currently Rarity only supports fishing in an entire zone, and only from pools, so neither of your examples will work quite right. I'll look into support for them.
I will also look at Magnet Continued to see if I can solve the issue there, when I get time.
Loving the addon, don't know if your supposed to be able to add custom items yet, tried to add Giant Sewer Rat (http://www.wowhead.com/item=43698) which is a 1 in 1000 fishing companion only catchable in Dalaran Sewers. Would also like to add or see added Mr. Pinchy (http://www.wowhead.com/item=27388) which looks to be a 1 in 500 in Highland Mixed Pools.
I've had to disable using Magnet Continued, an auto-loot program, as Rarity would not count any loots with coins only, as the loot box would never come on screen, don't know if it's possible to get around this without disabling it while using Rarity to farm.
This addon is currently in beta testing. Please report any issues you find either here in the comments or via a ticket.
If you have any suggestions for items that should be added to the defaults, feel free to speak up.