Works only a few Minutes #187

  • Waiting
  • Other
Assigned to whitetooth3
  • Forge_User_61555158 created this issue Apr 24, 2012

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

    Installed Version



    in the first 2 minutes everything is ok, but then Ratingbuster disappear from tooltip and gives Local error -> Bugsack

    Installed Addons

    !BugGrabber - r185 _NPCScan - _NPCScan Ackis Recipe List - 2.3.0 Am I locked out? - 2.6.03 AtlasLoot Enhanced - v6.05.04 Auction Profit Master - v1.4.5 Auctionator - Version 3.0.0 Auctioneer - Auctioneer Suite 5.13.5258 AutoRepair - AutoRepair 2.3 BadBoy: Anti Spam Blocker & Reporter - v9.000 Bagnon - 4.3.11 Bartender4 - BugSack - r259 CalendarExtras - v1.5.9 Collectinator - 1.0.25 DBM-Interrupts - DBM-Interrupts 3.3.0c DBM-SpellTimers (Deadly Boss Mods) - DBM-SpellTimers r82 Deadly Boss Mods - 4.10.10 Deadly Boss Mods - WotLK, BC and Vanilla mods - DBM-v4-r393 Old Content Mods DotTracker - 2.28 EnsidiaFails - 4.307-RELEASE-LFr113 Examiner - 11.09.29 Fatality - v2.1a InspectEquip - 2.0.1 LUI Core - 3.6.8 Mapster - 1.4.3 Masque - 4.2.375 Masque: Darion - 4.1.2 Omen Threat Meter - v3.1.6 OmniCC - 4.3.2 OptiTaunt - 0.95 rev12 Panda - PetLeash - 1.6.3 PetShop - PetShop PhoenixStyle - 1.582 PlayerScore - Version 4.11.02 Postal - v3.4.13 RaidAchievement - 1.092 RAQ (Raid Achievement Query) - RAQ v4.3b Rare Spawn Overlay - Rare Spawn Overlay 4.3 RatingBuster - 1.6.6 Recount - v4.3.0d release RecountEnsidiaFails - 1.1.3 ReforgeAuto - 1.1.6 Reforgenator - v1.3.17 ReforgeSummary - v7 RobBossMods - v0.62 Sell-O-Matic2 - a044 Spine Blood Counter - v1.0.3 Spooner v1.5 - Spooner v1.5 SuperGuildInvite - SuperGuildInvite 5.5 Tidy Plates - 6.5.7 Tidy Plates: Threat Plates - 5.4 Tradeskill Profit Maximization - ProfMax v2.0 VuhDo - VuhDo 2.137 Who Taunted? - v1.1.4 WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3 - 3.5.8 XLoot - r376-release XLoot (Old plugin support) - XLoot (Old plugin support) v2 XLoot 1.0 - z28e-release XLootGroup - r65-release XLootMaster - r81-release XLootMonitor - r112-release YorsahjAnnounce - 1.9.5 ZOMGBuffs - 4.0 Release 3

  • Forge_User_61555158 added the tags New Other Apr 24, 2012
  • _ForgeUser3576471 posted a comment Apr 24, 2012

    Yep for me 2sec then the same.

  • Forge_User_96189362 removed a tag New Apr 25, 2012
  • Forge_User_96189362 added a tag Waiting Apr 25, 2012
  • Forge_User_96189362 posted a comment Apr 25, 2012
    Does 1.6.7 fix this?

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