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Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
just after updating to the newest version would not show any comparison text Date: 2012-04-24 20:39:24 ID: 2 Error occured in: Global Count: 1 Message: ...ingBuster\libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2.lua line 12256: bad argument #1 to 'strmatch' (string expected, got nil) Debug: [C]: ? [C]: ? ...ingBuster\libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2.lua:12256: GetGemID() ...ingBuster\libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2.lua:9806: ...ingBuster\libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2.lua:9786 ...ingBuster\libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2.lua:10049: ...ingBuster\libs\LibStatLogic-1.2\LibStatLogic-1.2.lua:9944 (tail call): ? RatingBuster\RatingBuster.lua:3075: RatingBuster\RatingBuster.lua:2770 (tail call): ? RatingBuster\RatingBuster.lua:2638: handler() ...ingBuster\libs\LibTipHooker-1.1\LibTipHooker-1.1.lua:179: ...ingBuster\libs\LibTipHooker-1.1\LibTipHooker-1.1.lua:174 [C]: SetBagItem() ..\FrameXML\ContainerFrame.lua:818: ContainerFrameItemButton_OnEnter() Bagnon\components\item.lua:231: Bagnon\components\item.lua:213 AddOns: Swatter, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot) Ace3, v Achieved, v0.4 ACP, v3.3.17 AISeller, v2.0.13 ArkAutoLootBoP, v1.03 AtlasLootLoader, vv6.05.04 Auctionator, v3.0.0 BagBrother, v Bagnon, v4.3.11 cVengeance, v1.5 cVengeanceOptions, v DBMCore, v DBMSpellTimers, v DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded) Dominos, v4.3.4 DominosRoll, v DominosXP, v ElkBuffBars, v2.3.0-165 EnhancedStackSplit, v40300-1 FuBar, v FuBarDurabilityFu, v2.11 FuBarExperienceFu, v1.1 $Revision: 65606 $ FuBarMoneyFu, vv1.2.7 LibQTip10, vr152-release LibQTipClick11, vr10 LibRock10, v MailGet, v Maturelangfix, v1 MikScrollingBattleText, v5.6.113 MrPlow, v10.2 Multishot, v3.0.1 Omen, v3.1.6 OmniCC, v4.3.2 PassLoot, v4.3 PowerAuras, v4.23 Quartz, v3.0.8 RaidAchievement, v1.092 RaidAchievementAchieveReminder, v RaidBuffStatus, vv4.16g-beta RatingBuster, v1.6.6 Reforgenator, v1.3.17 ShadowedUnitFrames, vv3.4.4 Skada, v1.3-11 SkadaAvoidanceMitigation, v1.0 SkadaCC, v1.0 SkadaDamage, v1.0 SkadaDamageTaken, v1.0 SkadaDeaths, v1.0 SkadaDebuffs, v1.0 SkadaDispels, v1.0 SkadaEnemies, v1.0 SkadaHealing, v1.0 SkadaPower, v1.0 SkadaThreat, v1.0 Skillet, v SlideBar, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot) Stubby, v5.13.5258 (BoldBandicoot) TidyPlates, v6.5.7 (R433) TidyPlatesGraphite, v TidyPlatesGrey, v TidyPlatesNeon, v TidyPlatesQuatre, v TidyPlatesHub, vr432 TidyPlatesWidgets, vr433 TipTac, v11.09.29 TipTacItemRef, v11.09.29 TipTacTalents, v11.09.29 VuhDo, v2.137 VuhDoOptions, v2.137 WIM, v3.5.8 BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v4.3.4.40300 <us> (ck=664)
Mature Lang Fix - Matrue Lang filter fix _NPCScan - _NPCScan Ace3 - Release-r1041 Achieved! - v0.4 Addon Control Panel - 3.3.17 AISeller - 2.0.15 ArkAutoLootBoP - 1.03 AtlasLoot Enhanced - v6.05.04 Auctionator - Version 3.0.0 Auctioneer - Auctioneer Suite 5.13.5258 AuctionLite - v1.8.3 Bagnon - 4.3.11 BattlegroundTargets - 40300-10 Blood Shield Tracker - 0.16 CombustionHelper - CombustionHelper 2.9.1 CurseProfiler 2.0 - v47 cVengeance - 1.5 DBM-SpellTimers (Deadly Boss Mods) - DBM-SpellTimers r82 Deadly Boss Mods - 4.10.10 Deadly Boss Mods - WotLK, BC and Vanilla mods - DBM-v4-r393 Old Content Mods Dominos - 4.3.4 Elkano's BuffBars - 2.3.0 - r165 EnhancedStackSplit - 40300-1 FriendsShare Resurrection - 18 FuBar 3.6 - v3.6.7 FuBar_DurabilityFu - v2.12 FuBar_ExperienceFu - FuBar_ExperienceFu-r73249.12 FuBar_MoneyFu - v1.2.7 Greedy Quester - 4.0.3 LibQTip-1.0 - r152-release LibQTipClick-1.1 - r10 LibRock-1.0 - WoW-3.0-release-3 MailGet - MailGet 1.0 Master Loot Manager Remix - 2.3 MikScrollingBattleText - v5.6.113 MrPlow - v10.2.10-Beta Multishot (Screenshot) - 3.0.1 myBigIgnite - myBigIgnite 2.2.1 Ogri'Lazy - 1.1 Omen Threat Meter - v3.1.6 OmniCC - 4.3.2 PassLoot - r133 Power Auras Classic - 4.23 Quartz - 3.0.8 RaidAchievement - 1.092 RaidBuffStatus - v4.32 RatingBuster - 1.6.6 Recount - v4.3.0d release Reforgenator - v1.3.17 Shadowed Unit Frames - v3.4.4 Skada Avoidance and Mitigation - v0.3 Skada Damage Meter - 1.3-11 Skillet - 2.21 Tidy Plates - 6.5.7 TipTac - 11.09.29 TooltipWealth - v0.3.2-release VuhDo - VuhDo 2.137 WIM (WoW Instant Messenger) v3 - 3.5.8 WittyMage - WittyMage406a
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