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UploadedDec 20, 2008
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.0.3
Tekkub <tekkub@gmail.com>
2008-09-06 14:08:18 -0600
Weekly build
Tekkub (10):
c142802: CRLF
e60d175: Add wrath compat
faa4a50: Fix for BE/Draenei roars, not that they sound that great though...
9efafc7: De-dongle
17c4517: Add deDE locale from EnSabahNur @ WoWI
a7f9642: Change to use a hook... can't say I like it, but it avoids the need to localize the detection string
199b91b: Updating TOC to 30000
7651fdd: Update changelog for
6e7d612: Weekly build
Tekkub Stoutwrithe (26):
e96ed6d: Rawr - Initial import, now with dongle goodness
cd165aa: Rawr
ad44aef: Updates across the board to the new Dongle:New() API
94d55b3: Updating everything to Dongle-0.3.0-Alpha
50f0e2e: Updating TOCs to 20003 across the board (does not indicate support for 2.0.3 until a tag is made and pushed to WoWI!)
9d5ef56: Updates across the board to Dongle-0.5.1-Alpha
75e0d14: Embed updates across the board to Dongle-Beta0
1cfca2a: Rawr - Dongle-Beta0 fix
d769448: Updating embeds to Dongle-Beta0-r237
28c780b: Updates across the board to Dongle-Beta0-r240
43ec4e9: Adding version fields to all TOCs
af0f01e: Updates across the board to Dongle-Beta1
0ca69fc: Updating to Dongle-Beta1-r260
2814355: Updates across the board to Dongle-1.0-RC3
9ae2c5f: Updating major versions of dongle so that it, like, you know, actually works.
986b380: Updates across the board to Dongle-1.0 (yatta!)
4ec0541: Updates across the board to Dongle-1.0-r324
13599b2: TOC updates across the board to 20100, adding TOC updating lua script.
b799b8a: Updating to Dongle-1.0-r871
e4619c1: Buggerfuck
1204e22: LoadManager goodness for everyone!
dd70ee7: TOC and embed updates across the board
7ffe9fe: TOC update
3989f67: Meaningless TOC update (yes I know 20302 isn't a real TOC, but hey there were significant UI changes in that patch)
46161c1: Revert, fuck you haste
af5e9ac: Updating TOC to 20400