RealID Toons
Adds the current character name of your Real ID and BattleTag friends to the alert informing you they have come online. Information is added to both the inline chat notification and the popup Toast window.
Alerts are populated with information based on the format string replacements you choose.
The following replacements are available:
- $t - Character Name, uncolored
- $T - Class Colored Character Name
- $c - Class name
- $C - Class Colored class name
- $s - Realm (server) Name (only if different than the player's)
- $S - Realm (server) Name (Always)
- $f - Faction symbol (only if different from player, or on another server)
- $F - Faction symbol (Always)
- $l - Character level
- $L - Character level (difficulty colored)
- $r - Character race
- $n - Friend note (only shown in Chat alerts)
- $N - Friend note (always shown)
These options are available in the Interface Options, or by typing /ridt
A format string of $t - $l $r $c would expand to something like: Warriordude - 85 Human Warrior
Using the colored substitutes (i.e. $T - $L $r $C) would expand to, if you were on your level 1 bank toon: Warriordude - 85 Human Warrior
Q: My friend's character name is colored gray, what happened?
A: Some times the server is overloaded and will not return all the information about your friends, since the addon does not know what class your friend is playing the name is colored gray.
Q: My friend's character name is colored like they are on their previous toon, what happened?
A: Similar to the above question. Sometimes the wrong information is returned during periods of high load. I haven't been able to force this to happen, although I have seen it happen. I am working on trying to solve the issue efficiently.
Q: Your addon threw an error!
A: Please post a ticket, but first check to see if your problem has already been reported and that you are using the current version. Remember, being as detailed as possible in your report will help me fix it faster.
Version 2.3.0
-Fixes for updates to the Battle.Net platform
Version 2.2.0
-Fixes for supporting Twitter Integration
See Older Changes
Request: Real ID nicknames. In the real world, you aren't going to only invite your IRL friends to RealID and even if you did it can be hard to remember people. I've known a friend from school for 3 years and I only know him by his nickname. :D I realize this is a fairly common request but I haven't seen anywhere if its impossible or not and out of all the AddOns I use, I thought this one is most likely to include this feature (if its possible). I know you can create a custom log-in message for your friends with other AddOns so I thought I would ask.
Even if it was a custom log-in message / note for each RealID friend.
e.g [Stan Smith] (guy i run funwell with on other faction) has logged in. (Character)
It was changed back because I'm still working out the best way to implement that feature. Not sure if I want it to be an option or something that is always there.
why was the "linkify the toon name in the chat alerts, you can click to whisper the toon, right click for a menu like a normal player link"-feature changed back to way is was before? really enjoyed it... any way to make it optional? ;-)
I miss the addon called Addfreind you can no longer get it from curse for some reason and there is no addon maintained by anyone that allows you to add freinds and stuff
Like this addon is still in the infant stages and it does what it says it does which is great but there is no good addon out there for adding freinds or inviting to a guild etc you may want to look into a addon like that if you have time
Sadly there are alot of dead addons which people miss as they are broken
Shift+click on realID name to /who their current character if on the same realm/faction as you. And an entry in the right-click menu to "Whisper current character"
Thank you for this outstanding addon
Toaster (the popup) does not show the character name. Only the real name.
Reading the reply's below it should also show in the popup right?
r29 has the fix in place. You can use the alpha version until I push a new release, which will be very soon.
Are there any plans to also include the name in any other event than login? (Status change/broadcast, Logout)
If it becomes a popular request, I might consider more events.
I think I have accounted for all conditions where the BNet functions do not return data. Instead of throwing an error the character name is colored gray. I should have also fixed the hanging hyphen character if you have the optional realm name appended.
If an error still appears, please file a new ticket. Thank you for bearing with me while I debugged the problems.
Thanks for the report Stanzilla, give r23 a try, should fix that error and errors related to unavailable class data.