Reflux is a small lightweight profile manager. With the coming of dual specs, and people building UI compilations. I built this little manager. Its goal it to allow you to quickly switch all your addon profiles in one fair swoop. For addons that don't support profiles it emulates a profile. All emulations are done by the user and none come pre-configured out of the box. The user chooses if he/she wishes to emulate a profile for any addon. Emulation is not needed for any addon that uses Ace2/3DB as profiles are built in.
Example of usage
This example assumes your setting up a brand new profile.
/reflux create MyProfile
This will switch all current Acedb based addons to this profile and setup the emulation profile.
Now i configure a bunch of stuff and notice my unit frames don't have support for profiles... Well i can fix that! First i need to check the .toc for my unit frames in this case StufUnitFrames. I find the #SavedVariables: StufDB line in the toc indication that is where it saves its configuration information. So now in game I simply add that saved variable to reflux
/reflux add StuffDB
Now reflux will emulate a profile for Stuff. I finish up configuring my UI. I'm pretty happy with it. Now that I'm done I need to save the emulated profile
/reflux save
Now my emulated profile has been saved. Lets do a quick reload to ensure our data is saved to disk.
We are done! Now my UI is setup with my new profile. Lets go create another profile for my alt.
/reflux create MyAltProfile
My screen is now back to initial state all unconfigured. My alt is a different class so this isn't a big deal. (Future enhancement will be to copy a profile set so you can create a base config then tweak). Now i do more work...
What about stuff? Do i need to add it again? Nope its already been emulated so no need to add it again.
Now I save my new profile
/reflux save
Now I switch my main back to its original profile.
/reflux switch MyProfile
Bingo my UI is now all set back up.
I log into my alt and type
/reflux switch MyAltProfile
And now my alts UI is all setup.
If you want to clear out all your reflux data /reflux cleardb and bingo its all gone. You ace profiles are still there, but the emulated profiles will be cleared.
Other Commands
/reflux addons [profile] Switch addon set to what was saved in the profile. Due to technical reason you need to switch afterwards
/reflux save now optionally takes an 'addons' flag to store addon state so /reflux save addons will save current addon list in the emulated profile.
/reflux copy [target profile] will attempt to copy the target profile into your current profile. this will reload the UI when complete.
/reflux delete [profile] will delete a profile. Please note you can NOT delete the current active profile.
/reflux snapshot [profile] will scan your addons creating a new profile, based off of each addons current settings
Type /reflux to see a list of commands.
Will disabling it after loading all the profiles cause any problems? I used to it to load my profiles a long time ago and haven't disabled it since then.
is it possible to make something like
for Reflux and then to execute it with a OnClick-Script of kgPanels?
It's what I had to do to get DeguasserUI to work, and I've used those steps to install the addons and their profiles on my boyfriend's new computer, so now my account and his account have the same UI setup, give or take. He tweaked his a bit. :P
Hopefully that helps you?
When you delete a profile it should clean it up see above delete command.
And no there is no support for switching profiles when you switch spec.
First up, fantastic mod. I must have been using this for about a year now.
Correct me if im wrong but theres no option to automatically change profiles when you switch specs is there? I cant say iv looked very hard because I rarely heal these days but it seems this feature definately deserves to be in Reflux.
Also, /reflux remove [SV] (as apposed to add) would be great too. =D Hate digging through my huge Reflux saved variables file to delete the parts I dont want anymore.
You didnt loose anything, when you do the create command all it does it go through all your addons and switch to the named profile. out of the box most addons use Default, so you could do a /reflux switch Default
For future referene the above docs do state that create is going to switch all your profiles to the new name you selected. snapshot is used for an already existing setup you want to set to a given profile name.
Please add a warning when you use /reflux create. I spent 3 hours making my UI the way I like and and I tough I was saving it by typing /reflux create NAME. Well as far as I can see it's just GONE so I have 2 start over again
If not something is broken as I spent all night setting up my UI, used snapshot to create a new profile, switched to a different character, created a new profile, copied from the earlier snapshot, which did nothing, then when I went back to the original character it was all back to default settings.
Sexymap and prat i do know for a fact, dont save thier position in their saved variables, its storedint he layout-cache which cant be accessed in game. Reflux was meant for addon packagers so they could build an addon pack and give a simple way to setup the config. So when you do a switch its what profile in place as a global not per char profile (for emulation)
Hi, i'm having some problems emulating profiles for recount, sexymap and prat. It's saving the settings, but not the positions on the screen, is there any way to make it so they save their positions? All the other addons i've added seem to do so.
Also, whenever I change my reflux profile, it changes it for all my characters, not just the one i'm on. So, for example, I'm on my priest and I create a profile. I then go onto my hunter and switch to that profile then snapshot. Then i go back on my priest and do /show and it is says i'm on the snapshotted profile, instead of the original one I created.
Thanks in advance for any help
Not sure abou the blizz builtin saved vars ill try to see what i can figur eout.
Is it possible to save a variable from a blizzard add-on? For example, the Blizzard_BattlefieldMinimap saves its information in a variable called BattlefieldMinimapOptions in its own little lua in the character savedVariable folder.
I tried /reflux add BattlefieldMinimapOptions but im not having any success. When i switch to other toons and do a /switch reflux MYUI the position, lock option, and opacity are not restored.
Log on my main
/reflux create altprofile
/reflux copy mainprofile
/reflux save
Log to my alt
/reflux switch altprofile
Am I doing somehting wrong?
Thanks in advance
What you want is the /reflux snapshot (profile name) command, which will copy the profiles of your current UI. I'll warn you that it only kinda works for me (some addons seem to mess up), but since I have tons of them it still saves me time.
There are too many addons out there that do NOT use Ace! The instructions are quirky at best. I think it would be helpful if the author actually made a video of him actually starting from beginning to end a designed UI. And not include just ACE addons.
Most real raiders use Recount, Bartender4, Omen, SexyCooldown, ButtonFacade, DBM, Grid, etc. including me in my own UI. Yet no matter what I do, I cannot get this to do its intended job.
How does it emulate anything when it doesnt even save it to its own DB? Is one to think that if your making lets say TestUI, you have to 1st /reflux create TestUI? Then for every detail of every addon you use, you have to /reflux save? Because I tried this, and it does not work. Ive work over 150 hours on my UI (thank god I back everything up) and all this addon does is screw it up entirely. If its suspose to "emulate" any addons (/reflux add SavedVar) then it should store it in RefluxDB UNDER TestUI.
The thing is, you cannot create a TestUI and save anything under that because all written DBs are stored under your CURRENT logged in name! Again, a video would be very helpful. Not everyone is a freaking addon coding god ya know!
On a scale of 1 to 10 for the idea of this addon, a solid 10, but on the way to use it with the instructions given, a 2, and thats being generous!
Take your pick.
Very handy!
When adding new SV files to a profile which file am I using? the SV file in the account folder? or the SV file that is character specific?