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UploadedJul 29, 2011
Size30.10 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 4.2.0
** v1.04
M /trunk/Presets.lua
M /trunk/ReforgeEngine.lua
M /trunk/ReforgeLite.lua
M /trunk/ReforgeLite.toc
- Fixed and improved spirit-to-hit option. It now automatically detects spirit-to-hit talents, and only allows using one stat cap.
- Output window now uses checkboxes, so users can select which items they want to skip reforging. Also, irrelevant reforges aren't
- Reforging is now a bit faster and makes a lot less noise, but users shouldn't interfere in the process, otherwise results are
** v1.03
Changed paths:
M /trunk/GUI.lua
M /trunk/Localization.lua
A /trunk/Presets.lua
M /trunk/ReforgeEngine.lua
M /trunk/ReforgeLite.lua
M /trunk/ReforgeLite.toc
- Marking as release
- Added weight presets for all classes/specs.
- Added Pawn import.
- Result stats table now updates as stats/weights change, instead of being computed once.
- Lots of fixes and improvements.
** v1.02 Beta
Changed paths:
M /trunk/.pkgmeta
A /trunk/GUI.lua
A /trunk/Localization.lua
M /trunk/ReforgeEngine.lua
M /trunk/ReforgeLite.lua
M /trunk/ReforgeLite.toc
- Recoded stat caps. It is now possible to set multiple cap values for the same stat (barely affecting performance). For example,
fury warriors can set multiple soft caps for hit rating.
- It is now possible to use preset values for stat caps, e.g. Melee hit cap.
- Some settings added at the bottom of the scroll frame.
- Minor fixes and improvements.
** v1.01 Beta
Changed paths:
M /trunk/ReforgeLite.lua
M /trunk/ReforgeLite.toc
- Added Reforge button to output window that reforges all items in the specified way (only works when reforging UI is open).
- Few minor fixes.
** v1.00 Beta
Changed paths:
A /trunk/ReforgeEngine.lua
A /trunk/ReforgeLite.lua
A /trunk/ReforgeLite.toc
A /trunk/textures
A /trunk/textures/frameborder.tga
A /trunk/textures/leftgrip.tga
A /trunk/textures/rightgrip.tga
- Submitting initial version.