Not Window Showing. #5

  • Defect
  • Started
Assigned to _ForgeUser2025245
  • _ForgeUser23922 created this issue Aug 30, 2012

    Submitted Via

    Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

    Installed Version



    7x integer overflow attempting to store -9298855457 <in C code> ReforgeLite\ReforgeLite-v1.12.lua:715: in function <ReforgeLite\ReforgeLite.lua:703> ReforgeLite\ReforgeLite-v1.12.lua:1502: in function "CreateOptionList" ReforgeLite\ReforgeLite-v1.12.lua:919: in function "CreateFrame" ReforgeLite\ReforgeLite-v1.12.lua:2376: in function "?" ReforgeLite\ReforgeLite-v1.12.lua:2339: in function <ReforgeLite\ReforgeLite.lua:2337> Locals: text = <unnamed> { 0 = <userdata> category = <unnamed> {} Hide2 = <func> @..\ReforgeLite.lua:631 Show2 = <func> @..\ReforgeLite.lua:625 anchor = <table> {} } value = -9298855457 cur = 0 override = -9298855457 percent = nil (*temporary) = <func> =[C]:-1 (*temporary) = <unnamed> { 0 = <userdata> category = <unnamed> {} Hide2 = <func> @..\ReforgeLite.lua:631 Show2 = <func> @..\ReforgeLite.lua:625 anchor = <table> {} }

    Installed Addons

    !BugGrabber - r188 _NPCScan - _NPCScan _NPCScan.AutoAdd - _NPCScan.AutoAdd 1.1 _NPCScan.Overlay - _NPCScan.Overlay _NPCScan.Overlay.Broker - V1.2.0 Ackis Recipe List - 2.3.3 AckisRecipeList_QuickScan - 5.0.4.-1.0.7 Altoholic - Altoholic 4.3.003b Archaeology Helper - Archaeology Helper 0.93 ArchDB - Archy - Archaeology Assistant - 1.8.24 AtlasLoot Enhanced - v7.00.01 Auto Tabard - v1.972 BadBoy: Spam Blocker & Reporter - v10.016 BadBoy_CCleaner: Filter Crap From Chat - v3.61 Bagnon - 5.0.3 Bagnon Scrap - 7 Bartender4 - 4.5.0 Bartender4-ThereIsNoCost - v6 Bazooka - v2.1.5 BetterFont - 1.0 Broker Pack - 50001.31 Broker_AtlasLoot - Broker_AtlasLoot Broker_Currency - 4.3.0-1.2.9 Broker_Itemlist - v3.3 Broker_RecountFu - Release-1.11 Broker_Routes - 1.7 Broker_SmartBuff - 4.3a Broker_SmartDebuff - 4.3a BugSack - r262 ChefsHat - 40300-2 Chinchilla Minimap - v2.5.5 DailyQuestHelper - v1.3.2 Deadly Boss Mods - 4.11.0 Deadly Boss Mods - Burning Crusade and Vanilla mods - Vanilla and BC Mods r414 Deadly Boss Mods - LibDataBroker - Deadly Boss Mods - LibDataBroker r14 ElkFactions - 1.0.0 - r11 Fishing Buddy - 1.0.9 Fishing Buddy -- Outfit Display - 1.0.9 Fizzle - v1.5.5 Flight Map - v5.0.3 Fonter - v1.6.8.6 FreeRefills - r107-release GatherMate2 - 1.18 GatherMate2_Data - v11.7 HeyFu - r96 iQueue - 2.0.3 Mapster - 1.5.0 Masque - v5.0.387 Masque: Renaitre - Masque: Renaitre v5.0.1 MiscHelper - 50001.23 Moncai Compare - v1.5.4 MonkeyBuddy - v2.9.14 MonkeyQuest - v2.9.19 NugComboBar - NugComboBar 5.0.1 NugRunning - NugRunning 5.0.4 OmniCC - 5.0.1 Outfitter - 5.5.2 Ovale Spell Priority - 5.0.1 Panda - PassLoot - r136 PassLoot_AtlasLoot - r15 PassLoot_ItemScales - r8 Pawn - 1.6.2 PhanxBuffs - Postal - v3.4.13 Prat 3.0 - 3.5 Quartz - 3.1.0 QuestItemBar - v0.8.1 RatingBuster - 1.6.7 Recount - v5.0.4 release ReforgeLite - v1.12 Reforgerade - r44 RobBossMods - v0.731 Routes - v1.4.2 Scrap (Junk Seller) - 11.1 Shadowed Unit Frames - v3.5.1 ShadowedUF Aura Indicators - v2.3.1 Skillet - 2.3 SmartBuff - 5.0a SmartDebuff - 5.0a SocialState - 5.0-Release1 TellMeWhen - 6.0.1 Tidy Plates - 6.7.1 Tidy Plates: Threat Plates - 6.001 TipTac - 12.08.30 TipTacTalents - 12.08.30 TomTom - v50001-1.0.1 Trick or Treat - TrickOrTreat UnitPrice - 1.13 WoWDB Profiler - 1.0.1 XLoot 1.0 - z32-release Yay Mounts - Yay Mounts 1.4.31

  • _ForgeUser23922 added the tags New Defect Aug 30, 2012
  • _ForgeUser2025245 removed a tag New Aug 31, 2012
  • _ForgeUser2025245 added a tag Started Aug 31, 2012
  • _ForgeUser2025245 posted a comment Aug 31, 2012

    Could you please include your WTF/Account/<account-name>/SavedVariables/ReforgeLite.lua file?

    I can't tell what exactly is causing that error, so I would guess something is wrong in your profile. A simple fix would be to delete it.

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