Release 1.1-nolib
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UploadedFeb 15, 2012
Size2.46 MB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 4.3.0
r11 | theochao | 2012-02-15 15:40:13 +0000 (Wed, 15 Feb 2012) | 7 lines
Changed paths:
A /tags/Release 1.1 (from /trunk:10)
Tagging as Release 1.1
1) Add Subtlety Rotation
2) Rework code to base of spell ids rather than spell names
3) Add bleed and armor debuff checks to combat
4) Add timer for extra wait to assassination (if envenom debuff active/rupture about to run out)
5) Updates to sound preferences
r10 | theochao | 2012-02-15 15:33:23 +0000 (Wed, 15 Feb 2012) | 7 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/RogueRotationHelper.lua
M /trunk/RogueRotationHelper_rotation.lua
1) switch buff/debuff check to loop through spells looking for id
2) add premed/shadowstep to subtlety rotation
3) update subtlety hemorage to wait until buff is gone
4) add expose armor check to combat
5) for combat rupture - make sure target has a bleed debuff
6) add no sound and ping options to sound array
7) always turn off blade flurry border highlighting when switching specs
r9 | theochao | 2012-01-11 05:36:48 +0000 (Wed, 11 Jan 2012) | 3 lines
Changed paths:
M /trunk/RogueRotationHelper.lua
M /trunk/RogueRotationHelper_rotation.lua
add hemorrhage/recuperate to sound options
change self.Spells to be stored as ids and not names
display honor among theives icon when at 4cp