Option to disable auto role announcement after switching talents. #23

  • New
  • _ForgeUser1399080 created this issue Mar 15, 2017

    Hi there,

    Thanks for this tiny little but great addon, been using it for years.


    I have a request since the talents system changes in Legion, you can use a tome to change talents. And each time you do, it sends an automated message to the chat even if you are DPS and just switching talents (not the spec).


    For example, on my hunter, if I want to switch talents for AOE fights, it will announce, "<Player> is DPS now.". It gets a little annoying for raid leaders when they see a popup message after every other fight or so. I would like to have an option to enable / disable that announcement if possible please. Those role icons are too great to not have but only way to stop those auto announcements is to completely disable the addon.




  • _ForgeUser1399080 added a tag New Mar 15, 2017

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