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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.0
1.22 Alpha 2010-02-23
- Added options for range checks for Deathbringer Saurfang, Rotface (Heroic), Festergut, Blood Prince Council, Blood-Queen Lana'thel and Sindragosa. Check options for each boss for details.
- Valithria Dreamwalker
- Added some rough timers for next wave of supressors and blazing skeletons. Using time values from bigwigs for now.
- Added timer for when the portals actually open up. (Only works for normal)
- BiteBuddy
- Possibly fixed errors after wiping. It should now reset everything each time its started.
- Fixed so that the LDB-object and minimap icon actually work as the tooltip says. Left click to enable, right click for options.
1.21 Release 2010-02-18
- Lord Marrowgar
- Adjusted bonestorm cooldown in heroic.
- Lady Deathwhisper
- Added cooldown and cast timers for Frostbolt in heroic.
- Turned arrows, and MC duration off by default, same with the cooldown and warning for frostbolt.
- Gunship Battle
- Health frames will not show up untill the battle starts.
- Deathbringer Saurfang
- Added cooldown for blood nova (20s)
- Adjustd enrage timer in heroic, 6min.
- Rotface
- Added status bars (health frames) for the Unstable Ooze stacks for each ooze.
- Adjusted cooldown on vile gas.
- Added personal warning and message about vile gas targets.
- Festergut
- Added warning for Malleable Goo (heroic)
- Professor Putricide
- Added personal warnings and direction arrows for the different Variable spells. The direction arrows will point towards the oposit spawnpoint.
- Added warnings and raid marks for Unbound Plague.
- Blood Prince Council
- Corrected spell ID for Empowered Shock Vortex in 10man heroic.
- Added warning and duration timer for Shadow Prison when it reaches 10 stacks or higher.
- Fixed the cooldown for summoning of Nucleus, off by default.
- Sindragosa
- Added a timer that shows the duration of Frost Beacon, as when the beacon fades this is when the frost tomb hits.
- Added a timer that shows when the next Frost Bomb hits the ground.
- Adjusted Blistering Cold cooldown in < 35% phase.
- The personal timer for the duration of Buffet should only show up once and not one time per stack.
- The Lich King
- Added duration timer for Necrotic Plague on players.
- Added duration timer for Soul Reaper on tanks.
- Added 15min berserk timer.
- Added warnings for Shadow Trap (HM), CD, Raid Mark, personal warning, message and Say message when you are the target.
- Toravon
- Fixed the spame about Whiteout, should now only be a personal message instead of one message for every raid member.
- Timers
- Timers now have an option to flash (change colors) when they reach a specified time left. By default they will start flashing red when they have 10s or less left. The configuration for this is in Plugins -> Alert Plugins -> Timers and find "Flash" group in there.
- Added translations for all languages in all instances.
- Added translation for the core and option GUI.
- The message after you wipe will now show the last known boss health percent as well.
- Fixed heroic detection.
- Enrage timers now shows the time in the options.
- Options no longer show each boss 2 times in the dropdown.
1.20 Release 2010-02-11
Change in folder structure, please delete all old folders that starts with "RW_", and also to keep saved variables you need to go into WTF\Account\[AccountName]\SavedVariables\ and rename RW_Core.lua -> RaidWatch.lua.
- The Lich King
- Added warnings and marking for secondary targets of Necrotic Plague.
- Added marking on Val'kyrs (Mainly for 25man with 3 of them)
- Added marking of the person who will spawn a Raging Spirit.
- Added a message with the target of Defile so its easy to see who did not run properly!
- It should no longer report it as a wipe when everyone dies to Fury of Frostmourne.
- Sindragosa
- Added warning, cooldown and personal duration of Mystic Buffet. I will warn at 4 stacks.
- Change the sound of the warning when you get pulled in to the "Come Closer" warning, not optimal but at least a different sound from the Ice Tomb target warning sound.
- Raid marks for Frost Beacon should now be removed when the Beacon is removed.
- Lady Deathwhisper
- Add waves cooldown keep running in p2 in hard mode, and the CD is only 45s instead of 60.
- Added warning when Frostbolt is cast in hard modes.
- Lord Marrowgar
- Adjusted duration for bonestorm in hard mode, may be totally wrong.
- Blood Prince Council
- Fixed lua error when standing close to someone who is the target of Shock Vortex, the direction arrow should now pop up and point away from the person.
- New tab in the options "News". Will show the latest changes. Also if you do not have the latest version but someone in your guild or party have a higher version you will see what changes are in those version.
1.19 Release 2010-02-05
- Valithria Deamwalker
- Fixed boss name spelling
- Sindragosa
- Warnings for caster and melee debuffs are now personal as intended.
- The Lich King
- Soulreaper: Added personal warning for tanks, and a global message when a tank get the debuff. Also it will now show the cooldown for the first after phase change.
- Added cooldown for Valk'yrs
- Vile Spirits: Added cooldown and also a timer that shows when they will start attacking.
- Added cooldown and warnings for Harvest Soul
- Added duration timer for Remorseless Winter and a runaway warning when its cast.
- Added raid mark for the target of Defile (Skull).
- Adjusted the active timer (55s instead of 58s)
- Potentially fixed lua errors when some arrows were displayed.
1.18 Release 2010-02-03
- Lord Marrowgar
- Direction arrows should be properly removed when the bonespike is killed
- Gunship Battle
- Fixed the trigger for horde on engage, the yell was changed in 3.3.2
- BLood Prince Council
- Fixed the detection of target of Empowered Flame Orb, the emote was changed in 3.3.2.
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel
- Adjusted the timer for the first air phase, hotfix lowered the time til the first one by 10s it has been reported.
- Valithra Dreamwalker
- Added timer for when then next set of portals spawn and a warning as well to that.
- Fixed Lay Waste to not check for application on players, instead check when its starting to cast and throw a warning and put an icon on the mob if possible.
- Fixed the win trigger, should no longer report as a wipe when you actually win.
- Sindragosa
- Fixed the engage trigger, now detects the fight properly.
- Removed the message that informed about who got Unchained Magic, it is now only a personal warning.
- Added warnings for both Instability and Chilled to the Bone when stacks reach above 8 (phase 1) and 4 (phase 2).
- The Lich King
- Added timer untill the fight start from when you start it by talking to Fordring.
- Added detection of target of Defile. If you are the target you will send out a chat message ("Defile on me!") and if you are close to the target you will get a runaway warning.
1.18 Beta 2010-02-03
- The Lich King
- Added Cooldown for Shambling horror along with a warning when it is summoned.
- Added cooldown, cast bar and warning for Infes.
- Added cooldown, warning and message for Necrotic Plgaue.
- Added cooldown for Soul Reaper.
- Added cooldown, cast bar and run away warning for Defile.
1.18 Alpha 2010-02-01
This update will require a restart of the game since there is new files.
- Valithria Dreamwalker
- Added warnings and icon for targets of Lay Waste.
- Added warning for standing in Mana Void.
- Added health frame for Valithra.
- Sindragosa
- Added timers and warnings for phase changes (air, ground and phase 3)
- Added timers and warnings for Blistering Cold.
- Added warnings and icons for Frost Beacon targets and cooldown for phase 3.
- Added a personal warning when you get Unchained Magic
- Blood Prince Council
- Added direction away from the Shock Vortex target.
- Added direction to the target of Empower Flame.
- Toravon
- Added cooldown and message for Whiteout.
- Added stack message for Frostbite (tank debuff).
- Added warning for standing in and cooldown for Forzen Orb.
Bite Buddy
- Fixed an errors when your tagged target died or got bitten.
- Updated the description and removed the part about shift + click to target since it is no loger valid.
- It no longer required to have the vampire debuff to select a target.
- It is now enabled by default for real, and not announce to raid!
- Direction arrows can now be disabled per boss instead of only globaly via plugin settings.
- Icon removal should now work, so for example after a debuff runs out that someone got marked for that person will get the old mark or none back again.
1.17 Release 2010-01-31
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel
- Fixed the detection of Swarming Shadows.
Range Check
- Fixed the range check to work after teleporting in instances.
- The range check now fall backs to normal range checks if there is no map dimentions available.
- It should not properly set to the range supplied when using the slash command (/range (#rangecheck)).
1.16 Release 2010-01-27
Bite Buddy
- Enabled by default again, tested in 10 man and working.
1.16 Beta 2010-01-26
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel
- Added personal warning when you get bitten the first time.
- Added timer for when the first bite happens
- Added personal timer for the duration of the bite
- Adjusted air phase timers to be more accurate.
- Swarm of Shadows is not triggered by the emote instead of the debuff, so it will warn earlier.
- Added skull icon on Swarm target.
- Changed skull to triangle for pact target.
Bite Buddy
- Changed to to non unitframes again, silly idea to make them raid frames. But still remains disabled by default untill tested.
1.16 Alpha 2010-01-25
- Blood Prince Council
- Added spell IDs for Empowered Shock Vortex (25)
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel
- Added psell IDs for Essence of the Blood Queen (25)
- Adjusted the berserk timer (-10s to 320)
- Professor Putricide
- Adjusted the scanning of Malleable Goo target to see if its possible to avoid getting the tank as target.
- Set Bite Buddy to disabled by default since it is not working yet. Will see if it is working next week and then enable it if it is.
1.15 Beta 2010-01-24
- Lord Marrowgar
- Added Directopm towards impaled target.
- Lady Deathwhisper
- Added Direction towards mind controlled targets.
- Deathbringer Saurfang
- Range check will open at 12 in game yards
- Festergut
- Added direction towards gas spore targets.
- Blood Prince Council
- Adjusted the cooldown for the target switch (Roughly 46 seconds).
- Added timer for berserk
- Added warnings and icon for the normal shock vortex, people within 10y of the target will get a run away warning while the target will be marked with square.
- Added experimental target scanning for the Empowered Flame Orb. If it works the target will get a runaway warning + be marked with cross.
- Fixed lua error on target switch after Talderam was the last target.
- Blood-Queen Lana'thel
- Added timer for berserk
- Added timers for the airphase, will not be totally accurate. But asuming 125s cooldown on pull and 15s duration untill she is back on the ground. There is no emote or event when it happens so the warnings for when it starts triggers on the AOE fear before she flies up.
- Fixed the detection of Shroud of Sorrow, should now give warnings to ther person getting it.
- Adjusted duration for Essence of the Blood Queen to accoring to the hotfix (60 25 man, 110 10 man)
- Whisper message about getting bitten should now only be sent to the person the first time they get the buff, not when they bite someone themself.
- Changed so that the frenzy timer only shows for the person that its on.
- Added support for the new plugin Bite Buddy and Direction. Arrow will point towards your selected target.
New Stuff
- Plugin: Bite Buddy
- This is a plugin to be sued during the Blood-Queen Lana'thel fight. It will show frams for all members of the raid that still hasnt become vampires, and you can reserve them for biting by clicking on them and it will be visible for all others who run the plugin. Will later add option to announce to raid so people without the addon dont miss out on the information.
- Plugin: Direction
- This plugin will show arrows towards or away from units or positons. If inside and instance with known map dimentions it will also show the distance and color the arrow depending on the distance (Red (far) Green (close). Use /dir "name" to display a arrow towards any player in your current party or raid.
- Range check can now check any distance while inside dungeon with known map dimensions. Use /range # to open it up.
- Credits to Kollektive for letting me use the map dimensions from Deus Vox Encounters (http://www.wowace.com/addons/deus-vox-encounters/)