RaidWatch 2
Raid Watch 2
Raid Watch is an addon for tracking events during boss fights in both raid and 5-men dungeons. It will keep track of important boss cooldowns, warn for events that requires the users attention and inform about some things that happen around him. It will do this in the form of timer bars, sounds, big warning text accompanied with a screen flash for the most important stuff and small text messages for less important things, direction arrow and more.
Raid Watch also have some functionality that is useful outside of boss fights, such as in game eqDKP display.
I have decided to disable the comments on since they are hard to keep track of, so instead:
For comments, suggestions, bug reports and general chat please post in the Raid Watch forums
From version 1.46 there is now a new module that handles the new alternate power bar that blizzard added. This bar is used in a few encounters and quests so far, for example Cho'gall for the corruption and Atramedes for the sound bar. This new plugin let you position it, or hide it completely and instead show a normal bar using the multi-purpose bar plugin that is used for health bars and other small things atm. The options for this plugin can be found under Plugins -> Alternate Power Bar.
How To
- How To: Getting Started - For first time users
- How To: Get eqDKP data in game
- More coming soon..
- Timer bars Gives an easy overview of given events during an encounter
- All timers will move between 2 or 3 anchors depending on their the length of the duration they have left. These anchors can be moved freely and placed individually. You can also configure at what duration they should move to each anchor.
- Personal warnings Easy to react to message that is only shown to yourself when it concerns you
- Messages Messages show about events happening to the raid or the boss in question.
- Health frames Shows the current health of the boss, and also npcs when usefull. Can also be used to show other things besides health. One example i the Blood Power stacks in the Deathbringer Saurfang encounter.
- Raid marking Automatic raid marks for important events that happen to players or NPCs.
- Directions For some events you will get arrows pointing towards the point of interest.
- Customization
- Each event that is tracked in an encounter have detailed settings where you can turn of messages, timers and icons individually depending on your current role.
- Colors and sounds can be individually set for each type of warning for each event.
- Fonts, textures and colors can also be set on a global space to be able to make fast changes and have a uniform look of all objects.
- Statistics You can see how many times you have done each encounter, how many times you defeated it, how many wipes. You can also see your fastest kill so far. All this is recorded separately for 10- and 25-men raid and also for normal and heroic.
- Load on Demand All boss mods are in their own modules and are not loaded into memory until they are needed, and this will be done automatically. But can also be loaded manually if needed for configuration before raids.
Including mods for
- The Ruby Sanctum
- Icecrown Citadell
- Crusaders Coliseum
- Ulduar
- Vault of Archavon
- 5-men
- Forge of Souls
- Pit of Saron
- Trial of the Champion
Raid Watch 2 is fully or partially translated to most languages, but could use some more people to help with the translation as they are important to make the mods to work for all languages. At any point where boss emotes or yells are used as triggers it will or may not work on other clients. But things that only rely on combat log events will still work.
If you want to contribute to the localization simply go to the Localization page or click the localization tab up top and then on your language and start translating. It is open for anyone as long as you have an account here.
- Ideas and Inspiration: DBM, BigWigs
- Ulduar Mod: Mcslein
- Bad Omen For testing and feedback.
And about Saurfang, did him in both 25 and 10man this reset and the engage timer worked in both, and that is on english client. Will check again on wednesday.
Ok, tell me when u localized it in German :) It's an Nice addon
@Starpriest Yeah that would be the reason then, it is not localized to anything but english so far. So it so the thing you could do is to go into the options and load the mod for that zone manually. But still not everything will work, everything that is triggered from emotes and yells wont work since they are dependent on localization.
@Octopussy Yeah I am aware of it and know the cause of it, just haven thad time to fix it yet. Thanks for reporting.
just wanna let you know about the version check problem. got no problems when out of raids but when doing version check in raids i got error screen for the last 5-6 version of raid watch2 addon.
I play on an German Client
Are you playing on a non-english client?
I test it again and it only works in Ulduar 1025 man. Only there not in ICC or CC Hero or in The Forge of Souls or Pit of Saron. I delete it and install the newest version, i click the addon button by myself but it won't work.
I wasnt asking if you had to fix it or not was curious how it worked so i knew. Cause i like this add on better then DBM .. but when im tanking and kiting mobs and dont have the boss targeted i like to know the health of certain boss's so i was just curious. If its working as intended i can work around it wtih focus macro's thats why i asked :) No worries thanx for the response :)
The health bar is only showing up when it makes some sense. Meaning if mobs have to die at the same time or ship health that has a special frame. It is not a generic health frame that the Unitframe addons bring. Mana for Lady made some sense because some have turned off to show power on their target, which then is also the same reason for the Saurfang power bar.
If you dont want the frame you can always turn it off, but rather spam the guys who make the unitframes to actually start supporting boss frames. Namely pitbull4 is slacking afaik.
My health Bar frames arent working for the most part. On Lady Deathwhisper i get the mana bar for the health bar but not her health bar. Nor do I get any other boss's health bar. I got Saurfangs Bloodruns but not his health.
First check in your addon list at the character screen if the boss mod plugins for other zones the ulduar are checked as enabled. Then open the options in game (/rw2) and check under "Boss Mods" if they are in the list there and click on one of them and then click the Load Addon button. If all that works then there is something weird with your installation, try and remove saved variables and delete all the folder for RW in your AddOns folder.
No i get no Message, i test it in uldaur 10 man and there it works fine but in Ice Cita 10/25 man there is the same -.-
For 5 man instance there is only mods for Forge of Souls and Pit of Saron so it wont do anything in other 5 man instances. Regarding CC heroic, it should work there. When you engage a boss, do you get the message about the encounter is started at all? Big message in the middle of the screen and also in your chat window.