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    Oct 23, 2012
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 5.0.5


    - Added support for equipment sets Added configuration screen to the Interface menu. Minor updates to the Category list layout
    - Created configuration interface. Filters can specify required parameters which will build new UI elements dynamically. Fixed various bugs. Added customized AceGUI Dropdown widget. Bag state is now stored, which currently is just whether or not a bag or section is minimized.
    - minor fixes
    - Bag state is now remembered across reloads. Updated quality/quest texture overlay code. Trade goods are now sorted by quality, name, then count by default
    - Partially implemented a tabbed GUI in place of a tree
    - Fixed quest item overlay not changing when the quest was accepted or dropped.
    - Fixed broken code for displaying a quest item button overlay
    - Most config controls for catagories are working
    - Fixed error when opening bank empty bank bags. Added Recipe section to Trade Goods.
    - Deleted some unused code
    - Bumped version to 0.5
    - Updated version to 0.5
    - Fixed a bug that with the escape key not closing the bank frame.
    - Bag sections can now be minimized
    - Broke up layout code into smaller functions. Fixed some minor layout bugs.
    - Improved search box clearing.
    - Fixed empty slot still being shown when the containing bag was minimized. The search box is now cleared when the bags are closed.
    - Fixed broken/missing locale strings.
    - Added missing locale references to locale.xml
    - Added missing translation
    - Added localization support. Added French and Spanish translations.
    - Update chat command. Fixed broken function call in the config GUI. Bumped version number to 0.3
    - Fixed bug with empty item display
    - Renamed Lua files. Reworked item filtering code to be more flexible. Added additional bag sections to Trade Goods.
    - Renamed files
    - Added search box. Added section just for the empty slot. Reorganized code. Fixed various bugs.
    - New grid-style bag layout implemented. Organized functions in Sackville.lua
    - Added bag minimization. Reorganized code.
    - Code reorganization
    - Gave highest priority to junk items
    - Fixed quality filtering bug
    - Code cleanup
    - Refactoring
    - Code cleanup
    - Moved item code out of Sackville.lua into it's own class SackvilleItem.lua
    - Updated SackvilleOptions.lua and removed dead code.
    - Code cleanup and reorganization. AceGUI config is well underway. Added customized version of AceGUI button and icon widgets.
    - Refactoring and some AceGUI experimentation
    - Updated default options for testing with AceGUI
    - default options edit
    - Fixed bugs with empty slot display Hid the dummyFrame
    - Store only item bagslot instead of the whole object
    - First push toward AceDB Moved bag section code into SackvilleSection.lua Removed back-references from items and sections
    - Removed explicit option table numbering
    - Fixed error generated when changing zones
    - Added empty slot with count of free slots to player and bank bags.
    - Added blue background for bank bags. Removed bar title textures.
    - Moved a lot of config constants into SackvilleOptions.lua
    - Fixed bag items not loading properly after logging in.
    - Added currency display frame
    - Bag displayOrder works now.
    - Moved some local functions unto SackvilleUtil.lua First try at bag sorting
    - Created SackvilleOptions.lua and moved some code from Sackville.lua Replaced Print calls with more easily controlled Debug calls. Removed some dead code and reorganized a bit.
    - Disabled some event print messages
    - Added missing external to pkgmeta Disabled AceDB init (not used currently)
    - Added missing AceGUI external
    - - Disabled print statements, to be later configured as debug calls
    - - Finished splitting off categories from bagOptions - Section display order is implemented
    - Redesigned bagOptions, splitting off rules into Sackville.categories and then referencing the category name.
    - SackvilleFilter.lua Commented out missing library (unused) Sackville.lua Added more sections to bagOptions
Joe Lazaro:
    - Removed AceGUI from .pkgmeta
    - Initial check-in