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  • Uploaded
    Apr 30, 2009
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    116.01 KB
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Supported WoW Retail Versions

  • 3.1.0


2009-05-01  jokeyrhyme  <jokeyrhyme>

[44b05958da45] [tip]
* .pkgmeta, SavedInstances.lua SavedInstances.toc

since v2.1.1:
- bumped .toc to 3.1
- add options to change Normal/Heroic indicators

2009-04-12  jokeyrhyme  <jokeyrhyme>

* .hgtags:

tagging for release

[14ee49f5f369] [v2.1.1]
* Locales/deDE.lua Locales/enUS.lua Locales/esES.lua Locales/esMX.lua Locales/frFR.lua Locales/koKR.lua Locales/ruRU.lua Locales/zhCN.lua Locales/zhTW.lua SavedInstances.lua

since v2.0:
- deDE localisation partial
- ruRU localisation almost complete
- configure WowAce localisation
- new option for default instance behaviour
- dropped FuBar support, sorry :(

2009-04-08  jokeyrhyme  <jokeyrhyme>

* .hgtags:

since v2.0:- dropped FuBar support, sorry :(- fixed DockingStation tooltip duplication- new option for default instance behaviour- WowAce localization

[9922dacdc2b6] [v2.1]
* .hgtags:

tagging for beta3

[44c5a6c7f8ac] [v2.1-beta3]
* Locales/deDE.lua Locales/enUS.lua Locales/esES.lua Locales/esMX.lua Locales/frFR.lua Locales/koKR.lua Locales/ruRU.lua Locales/zhCN.lua Locales/zhTW.lua SavedInstances.toc

since v2.1-beta2:
- configure WowAce localization

* .hgtags:

tagging for beta2

[43437cc89798] [v2.1-beta2]
* SavedInstances.toc

since v2.1-beta:
- correct LibStub in toc file

* .hgtags:

tagged for beta

[4146da891638] [v2.1-beta]
* SavedInstances.lua

- dropped FuBar support, sorry :( see forum post
- fixed DockingStation tooltip duplication
- new option for new instance default behaviour
- embedding latest LibQTip-1.0 beta (r66) properly
- not embedding CallbackHandler-1.0
- using LibStub properly
- options code is a little tidier
- failed to correct aesthetic tooltip issue

* .hgignore, .pkgmeta, Locales/enUS.lua SavedInstances.lua SavedInstances.toc

- no more FuBar support, see forum post, sorry :(
- new option to show/hide new instances from todo-list by default
- fixed DockingStation duplication bug
- update to latest LibQTip-1.0 beta (r66)
- correct LibQTip-1.0 embedding
- stop embedding CallbankHandler-1.0
- correct LibStub embedding
- options code a little tidier

2009-02-25  jokeyrhyme  <jokeyrhyme>

* .pkgmeta:

- embed latest LibQTip-1.0 beta (r57)

2009-02-16  jokeyrhyme  <jokeyrhyme>

* .pkgmeta:

- embed the latest Ace3 beta (Beta-r741)

2009-02-14  jokeyrhyme  <jokeyrhyme>

* .pkgmeta:

- embedding new LibQTip-1.0 beta (r55-beta)

2009-01-30  JokeyRhyme  <jokeyrhyme@gmail.com>

* .hgtags:

Added tag v2.0 for changeset 9527265d987d

[9527265d987d] [v2.0]
* Locales/enUS.lua SavedInstances.lua

- added method for seeing instance IDs and time-left

2009-01-28  JokeyRhyme  <jokeyrhyme@gmail.com>

* .hgtags:

Added tag v2.0-beta2 for changeset ff59da8bb6e0

[ff59da8bb6e0] [v2.0-beta2]
* SavedInstances.toc

- "dungeons" to "instances" for consistency
- silly .toc typo with LibQTip-1.0

* Locales/enUS.lua SavedInstances.lua

- replaced all references to "dungeons" to "instances" (consistency)

* .hgtags:

Added tag v2.0-beta for changeset cc7f99a5dd43

[cc7f99a5dd43] [v2.0-beta]
* - merged "nextgen" branch into "default"
- TODO provide options to show additional details (ID and expiry)

* Locales/enUS.lua SavedInstances.lua

- instance re-ordering now working
- shown instances setup now ordered based on tooltip order

2009-01-27  JokeyRhyme  <jokeyrhyme@gmail.com>

* Locales/enUS.lua SavedInstances.lua

- instance show/hide functioning well
- TODO fix instance re-ordering

2009-01-26  JokeyRhyme  <jokeyrhyme@gmail.com>

* Locales/enUS.lua SavedInstances.lua

- many bugfixes
- TODO minor bug with column alignment
- TODO configuration needs lots of rework

* InstanceDB.lua SavedInstances.lua

- removed reliance on InstanceDB
- InstanceDB deleted
- new "shopping list" strategy deployed across all functions
- TODO configuration screens need rework now

2009-01-21  JokeyRhyme  <jokeyrhyme@gmail.com>

* .pkgmeta, Locales/enUS.lua SavedInstances.lua SavedInstances.toc

- removed fixed ordered list of instances per expansion
- removed date and time formatting options
- restructured DB to facilitate new direction
- addon will eventually build the list of instances as you play
- new functions for user-configured instance order

2009-01-20  JokeyRhyme  <jokeyrhyme@gmail.com>

* InstanceDB.lua Locales/enUS.lua SavedInstances.lua SavedInstances.toc

- first "nextgen" commit

* .hgtags:

Added tag v1.2.5 for changeset e1698c5dc65a

[e1698c5dc65a] [v1.2.5]
* .pkgmeta, SavedInstances.lua SavedInstances.toc

- fixed possible LoD issue with WoW 3.0.3
- correctly embed Tablet-2.0

2009-01-19  JokeyRhyme  <jokeyrhyme@gmail.com>

* .hgtags:

- tagged as v1.2.4
- migrate from SVN to Mercurial
- migrate from embeds.xml to .toc

Additional Files

Type Name Size Uploaded Game Version Downloads
17.79 KB Apr 30, 2009 3.1.0 51