All Namespaces
- |cffffff00Click|r to open weekly rewards
- |cffffff00Left-click|r to detach tooltip
- |cffffff00Middle-click|r to show Blizzard's Raid Information
- |cffffff00Right-click|r to configure SavedInstances
- A Call to Battle
- A Call to Delves
- A Worthy Ally: Dream Wardens
- A Worthy Ally: Loamm Niffen
- AA
- Abbreviate keystones
- Abbreviate Mythic keystone dungeon names
- Account
- Account Summary
- AD
- Add Entry
- Aiding the Accord
- Air
- Air Core
- Alchemy Thaumaturgy
- Algari Treatise on Alchemy
- Algari Treatise on Blacksmithing
- Algari Treatise on Enchanting
- Algari Treatise on Engineering
- Algari Treatise on Herbalism
- Algari Treatise on Inscription
- Algari Treatise on Jewelcrafting
- Algari Treatise on Leatherworking
- Algari Treatise on Mining
- Algari Treatise on Skinning
- Algari Treatise on Tailoring
- Always show
- Amathet Reliquary
- Ambered Coffer
- Anniversary Restored Coffer Key
- Archives
- Are you sure you want to remove %s from the SavedInstances character database?
- Are you sure you want to report all your keys to %s?
- Are you sure you want to reset the SavedInstances character database? Characters will be re-populated as you log into them.
- Attempt to recover completed daily quests for this character. Note this may recover some additional, linked daily quests that were not actually completed today.
- Automatically shrink the tooltip to fit on the screen
- Azuregos
- Battleground Deserter
- BH
- Biergoth Dungeon Quest
- Bind a key to toggle the SavedInstances tooltip
- Blooming Dreamseeds
- Bonus loot frame
- Bonus rolls
- Boss kill information is missing for this lockout. This is a Blizzard bug affecting certain old raids.
- Bouldron
- Brawl Weekly
- Calling Missing
- Categories
- Characters
- Clean Entry
- Color currency by cap
- Combine Callings
- Combine Emissaries
- Combine emissaries of same expansion
- Combine LFR
- Combine World Bosses
- Community Feast
- Connected Realms
- Covenant
- Covenant Assaults
- Crystalus
- Currency settings
- Cursed Coffer
- Daily Quests
- Day
- Debug Mode
- Delete Entry
- Delves
- Disable mouseover
- Disable tooltip display on icon mouseover
- Disciple of Fyrakk
- Display instances in order of recommended level from lowest to highest
- Display instances with space inserted between categories
- Disturbed Dirt / Expedition Scout's Pack
- Doomwalker
- Dragon of Nightmare
- Dragonflight Experimentation
- Dragonflight Transmute
- Dump quest debugging information
- Dump time debugging information
- Dungeon Runs
- Earth
- Earth Core
- EB
- Emblazion
- Emissary Missing
- Emissary of War
- Emissary Quests
- Emissary quests
- Expansion
- Expired Lockout - Can be extended
- Export
- Extended Lockout - Not yet saved
- Facets of Research
- FH
- Fighting is Its Own Reward
- Fire
- Fire Core
- First Cache
- Fit to screen
- Flex
- Format large numbers
- Fourth Cache
- Frozion
- Full Clear + 1 Mask
- Full Clear + 2 Masks
- Full Clear + 3 Masks
- Full Clear + 4 Masks
- Full Clear + 5 Masks
- Full Clear No Masks
- Full Objective
- Gaelzion
- GB
- GD
- Gearing Up for Trouble
- General settings
- Grand Hunt
- Grand Hunts: Mythic Reward
- Grand Hunts: Rare Reward
- Grand Hunts: Uncommon Reward
- Gravlion
- Grizzlerock
- Group
- Guild
- Hold Alt to show all data
- Hover mouse on indicator for details
- Hunt: Death Elementals
- Hunt: Shadehounds
- Hunt: Soul Eaters
- Hunt: Winged Soul Eaters
- Iceblade Trio
- ID
- Ignore
- Indicators
- Infernum
- Infested Strongbox
- Instance limit in Broker
- Instances
- Interleave
- Kain Firebrand
- Karantun
- Keystone report target
- Khaz Algar Transmute
- KR
- Last updated
- Legion Transmute
- Lesser Keyflame
- Lesser Visions of N'Zoth
- Level %d Characters
- LFG cooldown
- List categories from the current expansion pack first
- List raid categories before dungeon categories
- Loot Antique Bronze Bullion
- Loot Aspect Crest Fragment
- Loot Drake Crest Fragment
- Loot Spark of Awakening
- Loot Spark of Dreams
- Loot Spark of Omens
- Loot Spark of Shadowflame
- Loot Whelpling Crest Fragment
- Loot Wyrm Crest Fragment
- Lord Kazzak
- Manage
- Mechanized Chest
- Miscellaneous Tracking
- ML
- Mogu Strongbox
- Most recent first
- Mythic Best
- Mythic Keystone
- Nathanos Blightcaller
- Neela Firebane
- Never show
- New Single Quest
- NL
- NW
- Opacity of the tooltip row highlighting
- Open config
- Order must be a number in [0 - 999]
- Outland Cut Jewel
- Paragon Chests
- Party
- Patterns Within Patterns
- PF
- Pipspark Thundersnap
- Presets
- Primal Storms Core
- Primal Storms Elementals
- Progress Persists
- PvP Weekly
- Quest ID
- Quest Name
- Quest progresses
- Quest Reset Type
- Raids before dungeons
- Recent Bonus Rolls
- Recent Instances
- Recover Dailies
- Replenish the Reservoir
- Report instance resets to group
- Researchers Under Fire
- Reset Characters
- Return Lost Souls
- Reverse ordering
- Roll Bonus
- Rollin' Down in the Deeps
- Rouen Icewind
- Row Highlight
- SD
- Second Cache
- Secured Shipment
- Services Requested
- Set All
- Shaping Fate
- Shaping the Dreamsurge
- Shipment of Goods
- Show all emissary names
- Show both factions' emissay name
- Show calling line when all quests completed
- Show category names
- Show category names in the tooltip
- Show cooldown for characters to use battleground system
- Show cooldown for characters to use LFG dungeon system
- Show currency earned
- Show currency max
- Show emissary line when all quests completed
- Show Expired
- Show expired instance lockouts
- Show Holiday
- Show holiday boss rewards
- Show minimap button
- Show name for a category when all displayed instances belong only to that category
- Show only current server
- Show Random
- Show random dungeon bonus reward
- Show self always
- Show self first
- Show server name
- Show the SavedInstances minimap button
- Show tooltip hints
- Show When
- Show when completed
- Show when saved
- Show/Hide the SavedInstances tooltip
- Siege on Dragonbane Keep
- Similarly, the words KILLED and TOTAL will be substituted with the number of bosses killed and total in the lockout.
- Single category name
- Siren Isle Weekly
- Sort by currency name
- Sort by server
- Sort categories by
- Sort Order
- Sorting
- Space between categories
- Sparks of Life
- Special Assignments
- Spreading the Light
- Storm Surge
- Storm's Fury
- SV
- TD
- Text
- The Big Dig: Traitor's Rest
- The Call of the Worldsoul
- The Four Celestials
- The Key to Success
- The Severed Threads
- The Superbloom
- The Theater Troupe
- The World Awaits
- These are the instances that count towards the %i instances per hour account limit, and the time until they expire.
- Third Cache
- This should only be used for characters who have been renamed or deleted, as characters will be re-populated when you log into them.
- Time /played
- Time Left
- Time Rift
- Timewalking Weekend Event
- Timeworn Mythic Keystone
- Tooltip Scale
- Tormentors of Torghast
- Track Mythic keystone acquisition
- Track Mythic keystone best run
- Track Timeworn Mythic keystone acquisition
- Trade Skill Cooldowns
- Trade skills
- Transmute
- Trial of Elements
- Trial of Flood
- TWW Algari Treatise
- TWW Profession Weeklies
- TWW Weekly Cache
- Type
- Use class color
- User
- Vision Boss + 2 Bonus Objectives
- Vision Boss Only
- Voraazka
- VP
- Warband Money
- Warfronts
- Warn about instance limit
- Warning: You've entered about %i instances recently and are approaching the %i instance per hour limit for your account. More instances should be available in %s.
- Water
- Water Core
- Weekly Quests
- Wild Transmute
- WM
- World Boss
- World Bosses
- World PvP Weekly
- Wrath of the Jailer
- You can combine icons and text in a single indicator if you wish. Simply choose an icon, and insert the word ICON into the text field. Anywhere the word ICON is found, the icon you chose will be substituted in.
- Zurgaz Corebreaker
Phrase Key:
|cffffff00Click|r to open weekly rewards
Base Namespace
|cffffff00Click|r to open weekly rewards