Traditional Chinese
All Namespaces
- add items to the sell/save lists
- added to
- already on
- Auto sell
- Auto sell all
- Auto sell junk
- Autoselling
- Autoselling junk
- Blue quality item options
- Cancel
- Choose the amount of information displayed
- Command List
- Delete
- delete items from the sell/save lists
- destroy all junk items in your backpack
- Destroy Commands
- Destroy Options
- destroy x junk items, where x is the number of items to destroy
- Destroying
- display the addon options
- display the contents of the sell and save lists
- display these commands
- Do you want to sell the item(s) listed?
- Done
- empty
- Enable blue items
- Enable epic items
- Enable green items
- Enable white items
- Enables de addon to sell blue items with the following rules
- Enables de addon to sell epic items with the following rules
- Enables de addon to sell green items with the following rules
- Enables the addon to sell Bind on Equip blue items
- Enables the addon to sell Bind on Equip epic items
- Enables the addon to sell Bind on Equip green items
- Enables the addon to sell Bind on Pickup blue items
- Enables the addon to sell Bind on Pickup epic items
- Enables the addon to sell Bind on Pickup green items
- Enables the addon to sell blue items based on its iLevel
- Enables the addon to sell epic items based on its iLevel
- Enables the addon to sell green items based on its iLevel
- Enables the addon to sell white items based on its iLevel
- Enables the addon to sell white items with the following rules
- Epic quality item options
- Exact match
- General Options
- Green quality item options
- has been reset
- Hover over the item you want to add
- Hover over the item you want to remove
- If you can see this, Destroy module is loaded
- iLevel value
- Information type
- Item Options
- item(s) added to the save list
- item(s) destroyed
- item(s) from inventory?
- item(s) sold
- item(s) sold for
- Items below the iLevel value set will be sold
- List Commands
- List Options
- No
- No auto sell
- not found on
- Press ALT to add item to sell list
- Press ALT to remove item from sell list
- Press CTRL to add item to save list
- Press CTRL to remove item from save list
- Preview
- Profile Options
- removed from
- resets the save/sell list
- Safe Mode
- Save all inventory
- Save List
- save list
- Sell blue
- Sell BoE
- Sell BoE items
- Sell BoP
- Sell BoP items
- Sell by iLevel
- Sell epic
- Sell green
- sell list
- Sell List
- Sell white
- Selling
- Sets the iLevel value to filter the items to be sold
- Show
- The item must be in your inventory
- Toggles auto sell mode
- Toggles ON/OFF exact match comparing list
- Toggles ON/OFF preview before sell
- Toggles ON/OFF selling bind on equip items
- Toggles ON/OFF selling blue quality items
- Toggles ON/OFF selling epic quality items
- Toggles ON/OFF selling green quality items
- Toggles ON/OFF selling items by iLevel
- Toggles ON/OFF selling soulbound items
- Toggles ON/OFF selling white quality items
- Toggles ON/OFF the safe mode (won't sell more than 12 items)
- Total item(s)
- Use iLevel
- Which list do you want to reset?
- White quality item options
- Yes
- You've earned