Brazilian Portuguese
All Namespaces
- {star} on you!
- {star} on you, but you're on your stupid mount.
- casts
- casts {star}
- from
- help me!
- pulled aggro on
- tried to cast {star}
- /sn |cff0070deconfig|r - open the config frame.
- /sn |cff0070delock|r - unlock/lock the frames.
- /sn |cff0070dereset|r - reset the frames.
- |cff0070deSerenity Now|r
- A tool to have as much of the needed information from each class within eye sight so that you can say Serenity Now!
- Add Saying
- Announce Casts
- Announce people with missing Flask/Food when a Ready Check is issued
- Announce Results to Where?
- Apply Changes
- Apply changes and reload the UI
- Bloodlust Yeller
- Buffs
- Can not do that while in combat
- Cancel
- Castbar
- CD List
- Class Power
- Command Unknown.
- config
- Cooldowns
- Crowd Control
- Debuffs
- Debug Mode
- defaults
- Direction
- Disable All CD's
- Dispel
- Enable All CD's
- Enable Buff Bars
- Enable Castbar
- Enable CC Bars
- Enable CC Break Announce
- Enable Class Power
- Enable Cooldowns
- Enable Debuff Bars
- Enable Dispel System
- Enable Interrupt System
- Enable Latency
- Enable Powerbar
- Enable Raid Buff System
- Enable Ready Check System
- Enable Silly Bloodlust Yeller
- Enable Threat System
- Font
- Font Size of Buff Bars
- Font Size of Castbar
- Font Size of CC Bars
- Font Size of CD Bars
- Font Size of Debuff Bars
- Font Size of Interrupt Frame
- Font Size of Powerbar
- Frame Mover
- Frames Locked
- Frames Unlocked
- Grow Direction
- Height of Buff Bars
- Height of Castbar
- Height of CC Bars
- Height of CD Bars
- Height of Class Power
- Height of Debuff Bars
- Height of Powerbar
- Height of Raid Buffs
- Icon Scale
- Interrupt
- Left click to open config
- lock
- Lock
- Lock Frames
- Minimap
- Move Frame
- Number of Buff Bars Visible
- Number of CD Bars Visible
- Number of Debuff Bars Visible
- options
- Player Frame
- Power Bar
- Powerbar
- Powerbar Ticks Marks
- Raid
- Raid Buffs
- Raid Cooldowns
- Ready Check
- Reload UI
- Remove Saying
- reset
- Reset Frames
- Right click to open the Raid Inviter
- Rune Fill Direction
- Saying
- Select Class
- Select Saying
- Select Spell
- Size of Dispel Icon
- Size of Threat Icon
- Texture
- Texture/Misc
- These settings require a UI reload
- Threat
- Tick marks on the powerbar to represent how much power you need to cast your main spell.
- Turn on Icon Mode
- Uncheck to show only your personal CD's
- Unit Frame
- unlock
- Welcome to |cff0070deSerenity Now|r
- Whisper people with missing Flask/Food
- Width of Buff Bars
- Width of Castbar
- Width of CC Bars
- Width of CD Bars
- Width of Class Power
- Width of Debuff Bars
- Width of Powerbar
- Width of Raid Buffs
- Y Offset of Buff Bars
- Y Offset of CD Bars
- Y Offset of Debuff Bars
- You can
- You will only announce if you are the Raid Leader