Serenity Now
A tool to have as much of the needed information from each class within eye sight so that you can say Serenity Now!
To report any bugs or feature requests please go Here
To configure use "/sn" for options.
- Debuff monitor to keep track of your DoTs
- Cooldown monitor to keep track of your raid's cooldowns
- A power bar(energy or mana) to keep track of how much power you have and also tick marks to show how much your main spell will need to be used
- A Class power bar..
- Spellsteal/Purge system to inform you there is a buff on the target that can be removed by you.
- Player cast bar.
- CC tracker and announcer for who broke it.
- Threat warning system to inform a class who has threat management to use it now.
- Interrupt warning to let you know that you are able to interrupt the target's spell if you have an interrupt off CD.
- Witty Bloodlust announcer
- Raid Buff checker
- Ready Check window
- Raid Inviter
I am in need of localizations of different regions. If you would like to help please PM me
So do any of the debuff bars show up?
beta r158 should fix all the bar issues. I also stopped showing debuffs with no duration until I can figure out why they bug out.
Best HUD tool I've found so far :)
Terribly missed having it after I had it turned off (along with a dozen or so others) when I was having an addon issue and couldn't figure out what was causing the problem. Since the name was not what I was thinking it means since I thought it was a druid/shaman ability :P
Keep it up and TY for the update :D
Thank you for the compliment. If you have any suggestions to improve or features to add I would love to hear
thx 4 fast fix with combo point on rogue;)
hi, i got problem with combo points on my rogue;( i dont see combo points;( can u fix that?
p.s. sry about my bad english.
I am going to look into this issue.
I believe I fixed the issue. Try the beta r121
this is bullshit.
-added Bloodlust yeller for everyone!
thats fucking enoying. i want to turn that off.
will have the feature be able to be disabled...when i release the 5.3 version for tomorrow
* edit*
if you can't wait there is a beta version up of the fix...should be kosher
well thank god your Screenshots doesnt show your friendly neibourhood bear saying something stupid ^_^
The UI I am using is called ElvUI...the features i have in serenity will work with it but it is a stand alone addon that just has class power/powerbar/CD timers/debuff timers/cc tracker...the interrupt module and dispel module seem to be unreliable at the moment.
I will put a new screen shot up that shows the features in a default blizz UI
Is everything shown in the first screen shot what this add on does on it's own?
In other words, if I were to remove all add ons I have, back to a stock Blizzard UI, and install this one - would it appear as it does in the screen shot?
The classpower eclipse exceed the left border (solar) fixed myself for now
thank you I will switch my druid back to balance and fix it.
"Dot's" = "Dots".
Apostrophes not used in pluralisation.
Date: 2012-12-20 19:24:59
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\Powerbar.lua line 154:
attempt to index field 'tick' (a nil value)
SerenityNow\modules\Powerbar.lua:154: PowerbarEvents()
self = <table> {
SetDefaultModuleLibraries = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:383
ShardEvents = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\classes\Shards.lua:70
optionsFrames = <table> {
EnableModule = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:348
dispel = <table> {
CancelTimer = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:311
IterateEmbeds = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:458
data = <table> {
ShardsEnable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\classes\Shards.lua:152
SetupDispel = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\Dispel.lua:16
baseName = "SerenityNow"
CheckForWipe = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\Combat.lua:14
SetupEclipse = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\classes\Eclipse.lua:21
ClassEnable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\ClassPower.lua:275
LockFrame = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\Frames.lua:86
Announcer = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\Announcements.lua:12
Printf = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceConsole-3.0\AceConsole-3.0.lua:69
DispelEvents = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\Dispel.lua:76
SetDefaultModulePrototype = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:425
ElvOverride = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\Frames.lua:162
Ver = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\SerenityNow.lua:119
ComboEnable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\classes\Combo.lua:136
defaultModuleState = true
SearchBuffs = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\Dispel.lua:52
IsEnabled = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:467
HolyEnable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\classes\HolyPower.lua:94
ScheduleTimer = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceTimer-3.0\AceTimer-3.0.lua:276
DisableModule = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:366
DebuffEvents = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\Debuffs.lua:58
LoadConfig = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\Config.lua:145
PowerEnable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\Powerbar.lua:219
HolyDisable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\classes\HolyPower.lua:100
RegisterMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118
GetArgs = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceConsole-3.0\AceConsole-3.0.lua:144
Cmds = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\SerenityNow.lua:123
DebuffEnable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\Debuffs.lua:44
ShortValue = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\Powerbar.lua:124
CreateShards = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\classes\Shards.lua:17
SetupDB = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\Debuffs.lua:19
RuneDisable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\classes\Runes.lua:152
CCEnable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\CrowdControl.lua:81
DebuffDisable = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\Debuffs.lua:52
modules = <table> {
UnregisterMessage = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:181
SetEnabledState = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:440
HPower = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\classes\HolyPower.lua:15
enabledState = true
ClassResize = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\SerenityNow\modules\ClassPower.lua:106
RegisterEvent = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\DataStore\libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:118
spells = <table>
Swatter, v4.1.0 (<%codename%>)
Altoholic, v5.1.001
AtlasLootLoader, vv7.04.01
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.332(/embedded)
BalancePowerTracker, v1.3.4
BattlePetQualityNotifier, v1.3.0
BigBrother, v3.7.9
BittensSpellFlashLibrary, v3.16.3
BrokerPets, v5.07
ChiEnergyBar, v0.69
CloudSerpent, v1.38
Configator, v5.1.DEV.344(/embedded)
DataStore, v5.1.001
DataStoreAchievements, v5.1.001
DataStoreAgenda, v5.1.001
DataStoreAuctions, v5.1.001
DataStoreCharacters, v5.1.001
DataStoreContainers, v5.1.001
DataStoreCrafts, v5.1.001
DataStoreCurrencies, v5.1.001
DataStoreInventory, v5.1.001
DataStoreMails, v5.1.001
DataStorePets, v5.1.001
DataStoreQuests, v5.1.001
DataStoreReputations, v5.1.001
DataStoreSpells, v5.1.001
DataStoreStats, v5.1.001
DataStoreTalents, v5.1.001
FishingBuddy, v1.2f
Gatherer, v4.1.0
HunterHelper, v1.992
Loremaster, vv5.0.1.3
MoveAnything, v13.3.0
Outfitter, v5.7
Overachiever, v0.70
PetJournalEnhanced, v2.6.0
RangeCooldown, vv1.6-Release
SerenityNow, v1.07
SilverDragon, vv3.0.2
SlideBar, v4.1.0 (<%codename%>)
SpellFlash, v6.3
SpellFlashCore, v2.0.1
TabardAddict, v2.14
Titan, v5.1.10.50100
TitanBag, v5.1.10.50100
TitanClock, v5.1.10.50100
TitanDurability, v1.24
TitanGold, v5.1.10.50100
TitanLocation, v5.1.10.50100
TitanLootType, v5.1.10.50100
TitanPerformance, v5.1.10.50100
TitanRecZone, v5.1.0.1
TitanRepair, v5.1.10.50100
TitanSkills, v1.4
TitanSocial, v5.1r16
TitanVolume, v5.1.10.50100
TitanXP, v5.1.10.50100
TomTom, vv50100-1.0.1
WarcraftPetsExpress, v2.00c
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.1.0.50100 <us>
Just to let people know. I know the last build did not solve the frame lock/save mechanism. I am working on a fix and also have to disable the powerbar to rework it from the ground was just too broke to fix...a new build should be up soon
Sadly this addon is useless. As it is set all teh bars are right in center of teh screen blocking your view. Then you TRY to move teh bars and get an error message and it glitches. you log out and back in and WHAM back in center of screen.
Date: 2012-11-26 15:16:45
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\SerenityNow\Powerbar.lua line 361:
attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
(tail call): ?
SerenityNow\Powerbar.lua:361: GetClass()
SerenityNow\Powerbar.lua:146: SetupPower()
(tail call): ?
[C]: ?
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9:
[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5
(tail call): ?
...ace\AddOns\BadPet\libs\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:514: InitializeAddon()
Swatter, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
AucAdvanced, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
AucFilterBasic, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
AucFilterOutlier, v5.14.5335.5335(5.14/embedded)
AucMatchUndercut, v5.14.5335.5225(5.14/embedded)
AucStatHistogram, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
AucStatiLevel, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
AucStatPurchased, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
AucStatSales, v5.14.5335.5335(5.14/embedded)
AucStatSimple, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
AucStatStdDev, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
AucStatWOWEcon, v5.14.5335.5335(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilAHWindowControl, v5.14.5335.5133(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilAppraiser, v5.14.5335.5335(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilAskPrice, v5.14.5335.5160(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilAutoMagic, v5.14.5335.5335(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilCompactUI, v5.14.5335.5335(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilEasyBuyout, v5.14.5335.5238(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilFixAH, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
AucUtilItemSuggest, v5.14.5335.5335(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilPriceLevel, v5.14.5335.5237(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilScanButton, v5.14.5335.5335(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilScanFinish, v5.14.5335.5153(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilScanProgress, v5.14.5335.4979(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilScanStart, v5.14.5335.5153(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilSearchUI, v5.14.5335.5335(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilSimpleAuction, v5.14.5335.5208(5.14/embedded)
AucUtilVendMarkup, v5.14.5335.4828(5.14/embedded)
Babylonian, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded)
BadPet, v
BeanCounter, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
BloodShieldTracker, v0.22
CLCDK, v5.0.4
CLCRet, v
Configator, v5.1.DEV.330(/embedded)
DBMCore, v
DebugLib, v5.1.DEV.312(/embedded)
ElvUI, v4.69
Enchantrix, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
EnchantrixBarker, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
EnergyWatch, v5.0.4
Healium, v
LibExtraTip, v5.12.DEV.324(/embedded)
NugComboBar, v
Omen, v3.1.7
Quartz, v3.1.1
Recount, v
RoguePowerBars, v5.0.4
SerenityNow, vr17
SlideBar, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
Stubby, v5.14.5335 (KowariOnCrutches)
TipHelper, v5.12.DEV.315(/embedded)
BlizRuntimeLib_enUS v5.0.5.50001 <us>
I have just released a new version that should save everything properly and the error should be fixed.