Add whitelist option for filtering #13

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to ardentvark
  • _ForgeUser2746358 created this issue Oct 23, 2009

    It'd be awesome if, in addition to the current blacklist setup it'd be possible to configure a bar to use a manually-entered whitelist instead.  It'd make it a lot less time-consuming and annoying to setup bars that are meant to track only two or three things.

    As an example, when configuring a bar to show only Rip and Savage Roar on my feral druid, even limiting the minimum/maximum duration and filtering down to just my buffs/target's debuffs I still have to setup a blacklist of almost a dozen different spells/effects, whereas a whitelist would require two entries and no fiddling with the duration settings.

  • _ForgeUser2746358 added the tags New Enhancment Oct 23, 2009
  • _ForgeUser86915 posted a comment Apr 5, 2010

    +1 This is useful as I am attempting to use one bar for 'reactive' events (Lock 'n Load, Art of War, ...) and making other proc addons redundant.

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