Sexy Reputation
Addon Support Statement
NEWS: I'm back in WoW. I'll try to update addons after catching up, especially if they are bugging out.
Addon Description
Sexy Reputation is an LDB reputation display. In addition to an interactive tooltip, Sexy Reputation will also keep track of daily reputation changes as well as session changes. This is meant to be a worthy successor to FuBar_FactionFu, and much more.
- Displays all factions in a tree, with the option to fold/unfold each tree.
- Ability to track progress of a faction in the LDB text display.
- Doesn't use Blizzard functionality to hide, show or track reputation (which means no other addons will mess with the display).
- Shows hidden reputation for certain faction groups, such as Horde and Shattrah city.
- Tracks historical faction gains, displaying session, today, yesterday, week and month in a tooltip as you hover over the faction.
- Option to only show factions that has shown a gain or a loss today
- Customizable colors for the reputation standing levels.
- Option to show standing and reputation either as a bar or as text
- Ability to toggle rep gains, reputation level, standing and reputation percentage on and off.
- NEW Support for MoP friendship faction.
Planned Features
- Option to have alternating colors in the faction tooltip, so you can more easily follow the lines.
- Graphing options to visualize rep changes in the past 30 days, or more.
- Customizable font.
- Customizable reputation bar texture.
- Whatever else I can think of.
how to fix lua errors:
In reply to Silverhawke249:
Thank you so much.
It is information that can be applied to Korean.
I keep getting this error on all my characters that run this addon. Only started after the latest update. Seems like the addon works ok as far as tracking rep but the count is up to 22 errors all related to LibMagicUtil-1.0.lua. Could you please look into this?
Message: AceLocale-3.0: LibMagicUtil-1.0: Missing entry for 'Background Frame'
Time: Tue Jun 1 13:52:41 2021
Count: 1
Stack: AceLocale-3.0: LibMagicUtil-1.0: Missing entry for 'Background Frame'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\SexyReputation\Libs\LibMagicUtil-1.0\LibMagicUtil-1.0\LibMagicUtil-1.0.lua"]:171: in main chunk
Locals: <none>
In reply to rakaar:
I had the same annoying issue.
For some reason, it doesn't seem to read all the data for all these settings.
What I ended up doing was replacing all the variables with fixed values that I found elsewhere (fix is in LibMagficUtil-1.0.lua)
Like this (where I just comment out the original setting.
name = true,--L["Border Texture"],
desc = true,--L["The border texture used for the background frame."],
name = true,--L["Border color"],
name = true,--L["Edge size"],
desc = true,--L["Width of the border."],
I've started seeing this error every time my char loads:
Date: 2021-05-23 12:56:47
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: AceLocale-3.0: LibMagicUtil-1.0: Missing entry for 'Background Frame'
[string "@SexyReputation\Libs\LibMagicUtil-1.0\LibMagicUtil-1.0\LibMagicUtil-1.0.lua"]:171: in main chunk
Anyone got an idea how to fix this?
This addon is the only addon I got that is using LibMagicUtil.
Not working in Classic TBC:
Message: ...dOns\SexyReputation\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:519: attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)
Time: Wed May 19 19:55:32 2021
Count: 4
Stack: ...dOns\SexyReputation\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:519: attempt to call method 'SetBackdrop' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface\AddOns\SexyReputation\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:519: in function <...dOns\SexyReputation\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua:513>
[string "@Interface\AddOns\SexyReputation\Libs\LibQTip-1.0\LibQTip-1.0.lua"]:126: in function `Acquire'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\SexyReputation\SexyReputation.lua"]:420: in function <Interface\AddOns\SexyReputation\SexyReputation.lua:419>
[string "@Interface\AddOns\TitanClassic\LDBToTitanClassic.lua"]:327: in function <Interface\AddOns\TitanClassic\LDBToTitanClassic.lua:286>
In reply to Painstormx:
There's a newly packaged release, it works fine with me in classic.
In reply to DHedbor:
Yes, new version works in TBC :)
I actually had the old version running too, but replacing the LibQtip addon with an updated version.
Love your Addon, would it be possible to add a feature wherein it will auto track the faction you recently gained reputation on? Thanks.
In reply to eivhi:
That could be done, although keep in mind you can gain / lose multiple reps with an actions. It might get messy to do it this way.
keep getting this, no other addons except bug sack, sexy reputation and chocolate bar enabled.
1x Error loading SexyReputation\Libs\LibStub\LibStub.lua
1x Couldn't open SexyReputation\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0-7\CallbackHandler-1.0.xml
1x Couldn't open SexyReputation\Libs\AceAddon-3.0-13\AceAddon-3.0.xml
1x Couldn't open SexyReputation\Libs\AceDB-3.0-27\AceDB-3.0.xml
1x Couldn't open SexyReputation\Libs\AceDBOptions-3.0-15\AceDBOptions-3.0.xml
1x Couldn't open SexyReputation\Libs\AceConsole-3.0-7\AceConsole-3.0.xml
1x Couldn't open SexyReputation\Libs\AceEvent-3.0-4\AceEvent-3.0.xml
1x Couldn't open SexyReputation\Libs\AceLocale-3.0-6\AceLocale-3.0.xml
1x Couldn't open SexyReputation\Libs\AceGUI-3.0-41\AceGUI-3.0.xml
1x Couldn't open SexyReputation\Libs\AceConfig-3.0-3\AceConfig-3.0.xml
addon still functions fine and it just does it on reload and entering the world/zones ect. just posted because, you know errors and ocd. XD thank you for updating this great addon.
I really like SexyReputation and wanted it to work with Paragons as well, so I modified the latest version to show any reputation that can receive paragon rewards both in the LDB display and the tool tip. "Exalted" is replaced with a blue "Paragon" reputation bar and the mouse over display will show the amount/% to the paragon reward. When you have reached 10K and a reward awaits, the bar will show a treasure chest to remind you to claim your reward.
It doesn't track reputation progress for the session/day/etc but that is left for another day. I've also fixed the "fmt" error that could result from displaying reputations as text as well as the "NaN" issue with Exalted reputations in the LDB display.
Just replace your main SexyReputation.lua file with the one at I've submitted the file to the author for inclusion in an official version as well.
Got this error rendering this addon useless :(
Date: 2020-07-14 23:45:05
ID: 4
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\SexyReputation\SexyReputation.lua line 305:
bad argument #3 to 'fmt' (string expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@SexyReputation\SexyReputation.lua"]:305:
[string "@SexyReputation\SexyReputation.lua"]:531:
[string "@Titan\LDBToTitan.lua"]:327:
(*temporary) = "|cff%s%s"
(*temporary) = "009919"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"
Do you think it would be possible to show progress of Paragon reputations from Legion and BfA? Thanks in advance.
This is a great addon and i'm glad you are back!
Figured out my other question. Paragon's would be great like the person after me.
Keep it up.
Tried the latest version in Classic, but it didn't work.
It looks like some sort of Ace lib conflict.
I did try to remove the other addon mentioned in the error, but then I just got the same error, but with another addon using Ace libs.
Date: 2019-11-04 17:32:40
ID: 1
Error occured in: Global
Count: 1
Message: ..\AddOns\SexyReputation\SexyReputation.lua line 165:
attempt to call upvalue 'GetFriendshipReputation' (a nil value)
[C]: ?
SexyReputation\SexyReputation.lua:165: ?()
I'll take a look at classic tonight.
Just plopped out a new release, it'll work on Classic - was a simple fix. To clarify, the issue was the follows you could get from the garrison that had their own rep.
In reply to DHedbor:
Looking good in Classic so far :)
Hello and welcome back in WoW! :)
I like the style of your addon. I was sad when this addon was not updated for a long while.
Now I downloaded it again. It still look good but have a little bug. The Exalted factions show at percent as follow: -nan(ind)%
I wish for an option to Hide Exalted factions or even other standings. I have 70+ Exalted and I would not see them on this dropdown addon.
Setting for Tooltip Options Standing Style as Both (numbers in the bars).