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UploadedJun 8, 2009
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.1.0
commit 1bb0a3f2300081522bc957015767748b8b2a855e
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Mon Jun 8 16:27:18 2009 -0700
* Changed unit code around, fixes a bug with party and raid frames not updating while when you leave combat
commit 60e2954be7c8bd5c40d9eb8cadcf91c5591ce44a
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Mon Jun 8 13:47:55 2009 -0700
* Added IBR/IBL anchor points
commit 9b7c3f17238927862866001232bc73d361f42796
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Mon Jun 8 13:19:22 2009 -0700
* Fixed bugs related to auras being enabled or disabled, no longer creates aura UIObjects if they aren't enabled, and it will correctly enable/disable them
commit 61f933828ee9b7d9b4162c902ab2b0751a179454
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Jun 7 18:23:27 2009 -0700
* Dry code to fix [levelcolor] returning -1 for bosses
commit 3b0fce855e428b21d76ca69dc1fd6dc67b18c8c6
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Jun 7 12:53:28 2009 -0700
* Fixed typo, "female" should have been "Female"
* Fixed heal incoming issues, works correctly with healing one person, targeting another and swapping back, as well as it'll be less buggy in general with people out of group
* Removed show your heals option, it wasn't actually working anyway and just caused bugs
commit 4866a4b579626480ed4ba2ad1c71b85a42468518
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Sun Jun 7 09:29:48 2009 -0700
* Text weight now takes the y offset into account, if something is anchored to the same area but uses a different y offset it'll use it's own weighting totals
* Text width weight and text size are now available without enabling advanced options
* Removed the ability to set the text in the advanced text group, do it under the regular text wizard tree
commit 2da3a71b13e74779510e17d1ff54d0496c655931
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Sat Jun 6 21:41:50 2009 -0700
* Fixed filtering your own auras filtering out auras you cast while in a vehicle
* Fixed indicators (and in general, any texture) overlapping text, text now shows on top of everything, this might cause some bugs
* Fixed possible targeting bugs related to toggleForVehicle being set on every unit instead of only player, party, raid
* Fixed (I believe) health tags showing offline even if the unit was online
* Fixed bad group number when entering battlegrounds (50/50)
* Removed [dead] and [offline] tag, use [status] for dead, ghost or offline indicator.
* [curhp], [absolutehp], [abscurhp], [missinghp] now will return [status] automatically if the unit is dead/ghost/offline
* Added partytarget as an invalid threat unit
commit 5fe9d1f0bb1572d11dc15c36fa3cd14470facdef
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jun 5 15:30:05 2009 -0700
* Player pet frames will now hide when the player enters a vehicle
* Changed to the player using the vehicle unitid instead of pet for vehicles, as the former has data faster
* Fixed a few more profile issues with changing/reloading, seems to be an issue with AceDB-3.0 copying profiles thought, but swapping profiles should work again without a reload
* Fixed a few more vehicle issues, swapped to using an OnUpdate timer for getting data as UNIT_PET seems to be rather inaccurate.
commit 6d438c042a8b8a7bc43e476e7943a35748c34e1b
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jun 5 14:05:07 2009 -0700
* Added UnitHasVehicleUI check when swapping units, cause for some god knows why reason vortexes on Malygos are considered vehicles
commit a2e5932cccf8d974e283fdd97eee1757478c7434
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jun 5 13:52:11 2009 -0700
* Possibly fixed Malygos Vortex showing everyone as offline
* Aura offsets upped to -100/100