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UploadedJul 3, 2009
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- 3.1.0
commit 6f38e82fb85888a25eb046ae5f0bb89911dd0ad8
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jul 3 16:31:04 2009 -0700
* Added support for show party as raid
commit 9b4b5d84e4b20c93d5ff4f663e9314b4bb030ca1
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jul 3 15:21:06 2009 -0700
* Fixed an error in auras.lua UpdateDisplay when zoning
* Exposed the sort direction option for raid frames
* Exposed the sort method and sort direction option for party frames (Advanced option)
commit 15df2618e41d0bb4c5b94e29f088cf6f4e6c6540
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jul 3 14:34:02 2009 -0700
* Moved castTime and castName to time/name variables
* Cleaned up a lot more of the cast code
* Fixed fade time for when a cast is interrupted
* Added support for left or right icons on the cast bar (Disabled by default)
* Added support for resizing the name and time text individually like you can with tags (Advanced option)
* Added a check to stop fonts from being set below 0
commit 7d8db447cd89d54aad1f28cdf9497bbb315a421f
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Fri Jul 3 02:48:05 2009 -0700
* Cleaned up all of the module and layout code, going to merge these commits into one due to so many!
* Added tooltips to the xp/reputation bar showing how much you have done, how much you need to do, rested, reputation, reputation level, etc etc
* Fixed color by aggro and incoming heals showing up for any target units beside target itself
* Fixed code not showing up when viewing default tags
* Fixed global visibility tooltips not updating (For real this time)
* Fixed visibility trying to reload everything instead of performing another visibility change
* Fixed visibility profiles changing when you were in a raid/party instance and released, it will now wait to swap your profile until you are alive again (or if you zone into the same instance, not change anything)
* Fixed portrait positioning clipping the edges
* Fixed highlight module enable/disabling
* Fixed portrait not updating if it was changed from 2D to class or class to 2D
* Fixed all tags being broken if you deleted an entire tag
* Moved auras to creating the aura buttons as needed instead of all at once
* Moved most of the layout code to their modules, the only thing that remains are things that are considered core such as tags or layouts
* Changed totem and rune bars to simply use status bars instead of CreateBars
* Changed OnLayoutApplied and OnPreLayoutApply to also pass the units configuration table as the second argument
* Changed power to be shown as 0% when a player is offline
* Increased fade out time to 0.75 seconds
commit e44a9c04db50e36a860d4d54e4d952f5e6f12018
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jul 2 21:05:29 2009 -0700
* Localization update
* Defaults update to support the new combo points as bar options
commit 43352d4c80341ab0a89b399438aaed0d7679a3ad
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jul 2 21:04:15 2009 -0700
* Added support for modules to dynamically show a bar inside a unit based on unit, instead of being a global per-module flag
* Cleaned up the layout code slightly
commit 9452b25184f8d499c89bd5bb9686120cb575038d
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jul 2 21:03:28 2009 -0700
* Moved party target/party pet to low strata frames so they won't overlap anything like auras that might clip them
* Fixed targeting party and raid members who are vehicles not working
commit e49ff235404719869f4c32d3285abce24f82665e
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jul 2 21:02:32 2009 -0700
* Changed totem and rune frames back to frames as they don't need the hack StatusBar parent
commit 90e0762d4ba5a258a7c255c9b4920d390af9dea6
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jul 2 21:01:58 2009 -0700
* Fixed a bug that was causing incoming heals to be stuck at full
commit 8cfd231c2c4ffa611931b1d9dcd009c8f031da5e
Author: Shadowed <shadowed.wow@gmail.com>
Date: Thu Jul 2 21:01:29 2009 -0700
* Added configuration in for the show as bar options