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UploadedDec 3, 2009
Size418.47 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.2.0
- Flagged PLAYER_TARGET_UPDATE as a unitless event
- Range detection is disabled while the unit is offline
- Offline color is now pulled from the healthColors.offline variable rather then hardcoded
- Changed the visibility helps a bit, they should be more visible (ironic?) now so people do not mistake what the option is for
- API update due to XP changes
- Units Text renamed to Text/Tags, Hide Buff frames and Hide Cast Bars renamed to hide Player buff frames and Hide Player Cast Bars since reading is hard.
- Improved XP bar, if you are able to earn XP and are tracking a reputation then the XP bar and reputation bar will show, otherwise it will show the reputation bar or xp bar. No option changes necessary.
- Fixed typo in party pet/target wrapping that caused an error
- Disabling a parent unit disable its child units now as well
- Fixed consistency in letter casing for unit names
- Fixed leaked global
- Fixed the help for enabling unis being below the unit group (oops)
- Fixed configuration not loading