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UploadedDec 23, 2009
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Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.0
- Added OnProfileChange module event so DB can be reloaded for modules if necessary
- Fixed leaked global
- Fixed more bugs with state headers and config mode
Fixed child bugs with config mode
- Switched to unregistering unit watches rather than a Hide/Show hook because that taints
- Time for another round of default tweaking:
- Target of Target, Focus Target, Party, Focus, Pet offsets fixed to be a little more spread out
- PVP indicator is now in the top right side of the unit frame
- Ready check is now on the left center side, in the middle of the portrait for units with it enabled
- Removed usage of [group] tag from all units except player
- Reduced size of the role indicator by 2x2,
- Leader/Raid role/Master looter are now all in the top left for all units except raid
- Fixed offset between rows for party, main tank, main assist, boss
- Reduced overall width of arena frames
- Combo points are now bar style by default, and are full size so they will use the entire frame width
- Fixed another bug related to zone children not being loaded until UI reload
- Bit of a silly hack, but updating movers twice when enabling units to make sure child units are properly enabled
- Fixed the unit that was set for child units, as header units forcibly remove the unit attribute
Fixed raid target indicators not showing in configuration mode
Fixed power type not being randomized
Changed health/power examples to use 50,000 as a base as it shows off more of the tags
- Fixed child units not showing up correctly when they are enabled after configuration mode is enabled
- Fixed time and name sub-tables not being populated for castBar
- Spellstealable buffs now have a white border rather than the orange-ish as it's too close to the Disease color
- Fixed temporary enchants not being enabled if they were hidden while a temporary enchant was active Fixed temporary enchants not updating when swapping weapons or enchants
- Updated lock frames description as it's now an actual config mode
- Added maintankUnits and mainassistUnits mappings for consistency
- Redid the movers code, it's now a full configuration mode that has actual bars that you can setup off of
- Exposed a few functions for config mode
- Fixed tags with both a prefix and a suffix not passing fontString,
Fixed hidden frames having tags updated when using frequency updates
- Removed old example indicators code
- Added checks so tooltips will not show when config mode is enabled
Added an aura function to the module list so the env is wrapped around it
Removed old config mode for auras
- Removed localing of events, breaks the setfenv on them
- Added a description when enabling the cast bar for fake units that they are inefficient and can take 0.10 seconds to register a change in cast
- Removed an unused table
- Cast bars can now be set on all units including target of target and boss
- Added defaults for cast bars on all units, removed an apparently unused config key (I'll regret this I am sure)
- Temporary fix, if a unit isn't found for the units locale table it will use the raw unit
- Fixed range checking using hostile spell checks on friendlies and friendly spell checks on hostiles (Oops!)
- Added the ability to set what spell should be used for range checking, see /suf -> General -> Range (at the bottom)
- Fixed indicators.lua:335 error when unlocking frames
- Fixed indicators not reloading properly when enabled/disabled
- Fixed casing, "Dungeon Role" should be "Dungeon role"
- Enabled dungeon role indicators for focus and target, off by default
- Temporary enchants are enabled for Shaman's or Rogue's by default
- Changed combo points to check if the player is in a vehicle instead of relying on playerUnit
- Switched to loading everything at PLAYER_LOGIN rather than ADDON_LOADED, hopefully this stops positioning issues while not having SUF taint when logging in combat
- Updated koKR localization, thanks Bluenyx0!
- Fixed rune bar coloring not being set on login
- Always fun when a bug pops up accidentally after you thought you fixed it, moved rune coloring to PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD to fix issues where rune type would randomly not be returned
- Added fallback in case the rune type is not returned for coloring
- Changed movers to calculate using uiScale CVar rather than effective scale
- Switched to checking GetCVar("uiScale") to calculate effective scaling due to changes in when frames load
- Added warning if an old module loads with OnDefaultsSet
- Added a call to Tags:Register to force a recache of tags if necessary
- No sense in calling OnDefaultsSet, when SUF loads defaults were set
- Zone checks will be queued if the player is in combat, removes the last taint issues if logging in while in combat
- Removed delayed loading, everything is loaded as soon as ADDON_LOADED for SUF fires, reduces taint issues when logging in-combat
- Changed the custom tag events system to a generic handler so I can write more complex tags as separate addons
- Updated option restrictions to look at the modules class restriction rather instead of hardcoding it all in
- Updated totem bar to also track guardian pet timers for Death Knights, this is labeled as the "Enable guardian bar" next to the rune bar option in /shadowuf
- Changed incoming heal module, if it doesn't find LHC4 it will silently disable itself, can just delete LibHealComm-4.0/ if you really don't want it
- Renamed Unit status -> Enabled units
- Redid child units, will now use suffixes instead of the hack system, should fix all issues with MA/MT targets overlapping and other associated issues
- No longer removing Set Focus for the raid menu (The one that pops up in the raid frames for MA/MT setting) to prevent taint issues
- SUF will automatically lock when the player enters combat and displays a message telling them they will need to unlock their frames when combat ends
- Slight text tweak, zone configuration now lists units as "<unit> frames" rather than "Enable <unit> frames" as the latter was confusing to people with a tri-state check box
- Fixed default settings, cast bars will use the entire frame width even if portraits are enabled now for all units
- Reverted auto hiding of Blizzard units, back to the default of setting it in hide blizzard frames