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UploadedJan 30, 2010
Size459.60 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 3.3.0
- Added self scaling option to auras to change how big it scales, this will need some tweaking still (Self scaling option is advanced only)
- Fixed power being updated unnecessarily when using frequent updates
- Fixed health being updated unnecessarily when using frequent updates
- Changed coloring for uninterruptible casts to purple, yellow is not distinctive enough
- Fixed range checker not working
- Added hide in any raid/hide in 6-man raid to faq
- Fixed separated raid frames colliding when growing groups down and the column they are anchored to has <5 players in it
- Trying a fix to stop range fading disabling combat fader, combat fader takes priority out of combat, in combat the range fader has priority
- Fixed config.lua:98 error when creating aura filters
- Power tags shouldn't show a negative number on last Drak'tharon keep boss
- Fixed UnitIsAFK errors when using configuration mode
- Fixed tags not having an env wrapped around them if they loaded due to being a child unit
- Fixed config mode error when using a custom tag that calls for a specific aura not an index
- Removed duplicate function call
- Updated localization scraper
- Fixed sorting for party not showing when advanced options were enabled