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UploadedNov 18, 2012
Size382.80 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 5.0.5
- Fixed Quest boss indicators not showing up
- Do a one time check on config and check or set height if it's not on relevant areas
- is501 should be named is510 actually
- Check UnitCanAssist for friendly spells rather than UnitIsFriend. Should fix range checker bugs
- Try something slightly more reliable for determining if the initial anchor changed
- If an unit has <=0 health, will hide the inc heal frame to make sure they don't get stuck when the unit is dead
- Added missing Remove Curse spell for Mages and Cleanse Spirit for Shamans
- Fixed an aura offset bug when using top auras with self scaling
- Not sure why SUF bumps the strata on CRF when we're not hiding it, but I assume I can blame nev for this
- Should be HookScript not Setscript
- Drycode fixes for SUF and 5.1, only Monk changes