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UploadedFeb 1, 2013
Size383.41 KB
Supported WoW Retail Versions
- 5.1.0
- Added support for Mage's Rune of Power
- Added assigned role sorting for 5.2
- Implemented 5.2 menu system, not tested on non-5.1, but you're downloading alpha, so it's your fault if it breaks
- Add a config flag to hide totem bars if no totems are active
- Fix the logic used to force the raid frames to update, and also clear the children points before doing it
- Name the cooldown frames cause Tullers a jerk
- Don't muck with CRF strata if we aren't hiding it and we are in combat
- Added Rogue's Anticipation as an Aura Points trackable spell
- Only cancel auras if you click on an unit that is the player, not type of player (oops)
- If the compact raid frames aren't hidden, bump the frame strata up on the frame manager (again)