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For Evokers:
Very high priority: border highlighting for cleansable debuffs does not work at all
Lower priority: Essence cannot be disabled from the Player frame. Also, Essence cannot be configured to grow left-to-right, is set to right-to-left with no option to change it.
Thank you for your work on SUF <3 <3 <3
You can fix this by editing your local Shadowed Unit Frames file "ShadowedUnitFrames\modules\units.lua". Just add this:
["EVOKER"] = {[360823] = {"Magic", "Poison"}, [365585] = {"Poison"}},
as a new line below line 1492, the Warlock entry. Sample image below.
Thank you!! Exactly what I was looking for! :)
Here's the line if you want to include the dispel from Cauterizing Flame, (does have a 1min cd though)
not sure if the "bleed" does anything, I don't see it with any of the other cleanses, (I'm new to this)
374251 is Cauterizing Flame
["EVOKER"] = {[374251] = {"Curse", "Poison", "Disease", "Bleed"}, [360823] = {"Magic", "Poison"}, [365585] = {"Poison"}},
Was going to ask about Cauterizing Flame. Thank you TheonTwitch.
Does anyone know if Bleed is an aura SUF will notice?
I personally don't want Cauterizing Flame to be listed as a "real dispel" due to it doing Bleeds and also being a 1 minute cooldown.
However, I already created a weakaura for it that only shows the highlight when Cauterizing Flame is available to use. It also flags any debuff with the word "bleed" in the tooltip description:
Is there any fix yet for making the Essence Bar grow from left to right? I know it’s a minor issue but it’s really bothering me since all my other combo point style bars grow that way. I found where it’s written in the LUA file and changed the value, but it didn’t seem to change anything. Will have to keep messing with it later as I may have just not saved the changes beforehand or something.
Update: I seem to have fixed the growth direction on my evoker (although no promises since I'm not very proficient in LUA)
**Make sure to exit your game fully before making any of these changes just to be safe**
In ShadowedUnitFrames.lua, I went to line 115 and changed it to if (revision <= 63), and then down to line 119 and changed growth to "LEFT"
So the whole snippet would be
if (revision <= 63 ) then -- evoker setup self.db.profile.classColors.EVOKER = {r = 0.20, g = 0.58, b = 0.50} self.db.profile.powerColors.ESSENCE = {r = 0.40, g = 0.80, b = 1.00} self.db.profile.units.player.essence = {enabled = true, anchorTo = "$parent", order = 60, height = 0.40, anchorPoint = "BR", x = -8, y = 6, size = 12, spacing = -2, growth = "LEFT", isBar = true, showAlways = true} end
Then just save the file and you're done!
Heya, can anyone on the development team confirm whether Evoker Debuff highlighting was/wasn't added to the February 12 update? Just curious if it's in the base files or if mine is only fixed because I applied this manually.
Also, there is still the issue that Evoker Essence cannot be set to grow left-to-right, it can only be set to right-to-left with no option to change it. Evoker Essence also cannot be disabled (other class resources can).
Thank you!
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