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As of patch 10.2.5, typing /suf no longer opens Shadowed Unit Frame options (apologies if I am doing something stupid to generate this error!). It's possible this bug showed up earlier and I simply had not tweaked my settings — the add-on itself seems to work fine with existing settings. When I try to open settings, I get the following error in BugSack:
25x ShadowedUF_Options/config.lua:6421: bad argument #1 to 'lower' (string expected, got boolean)[string "=[C]"]: in function `lower'[string "@ShadowedUF_Options/config.lua"]:6421: in function <ShadowedUF_Options/config.lua:6408>[string "@ShadowedUF_Options/config.lua"]:7570: in function <ShadowedUF_Options/config.lua:7557>[string "@ShadowedUF_Options/config.lua"]:7596: in function `Open'[string "@ShadowedUnitFrames/ShadowedUnitFrames.lua"]:924: in function `?'[string "@FrameXML/ChatFrame.lua"]:5291: in function `ChatEdit_ParseText'[string "@FrameXML/ChatFrame.lua"]:4948: in function `ChatEdit_SendText'[string "@FrameXML/ChatFrame.lua"]:4984: in function `ChatEdit_OnEnterPressed'[string "*ChatFrame.xml:141_OnEnterPressed"]:1: in function <[string "*ChatFrame.xml:141_OnEnterPressed"]:1>
Locals:(*temporary) = true(*temporary) = "string expected, got boolean"
Its also not in Game Menu>Edit>Add Ons. Not sure if it used to be, just started playing WoW again.
Seems to work now.
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