reenable CheckInteractDistance for range check, since it is not protected anymore #2120

  • querplis created this issue Aug 20, 2024

    myCurrently range check does not work for all classes, for example as demonhunter tank i can not range check friendly units , which is dealbeaker to use  this addon.

    This was introduced with following change

    which was made in response to following blizzard hotfix:
    Hotfix (2023-11-16): Protected. May no longer be called in combat by insecure code. (Build:


    Blizzard has reverted thise change with hotfix:

    Hotfix (2023-12-11): Partially unrestricted. Querying enemy units while in combat is once again permitted. (Build:

    Please revert this change  back and make some of us happy again!

    also i did quick local test by reverting that line in range.lua back to what it was and it seems working fine.

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