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The ability to create a secure totem bar is a built-in function of SUF but it's disabled for any class with less than 2 totems. This seems like a typo. Specifically it checks whether MAX_TOTEMS > 1 whereas I believe it should be MAX_TOTEMS >= 1. See totems.lua:31 and config.lua:4408 for the check and totems.lua:6 where MAX_TOTEMS is defined for each class.
For this reason Monks, Druids, Mages, and DKs don't have access to the secure totem bar option.
I'm unfamiliar with the other classes totems but it's quite handy for Monks to be able to dismiss their totem, especially Brewmasters.
Editing the code to manually enable it doesn't appear to cause any issues for Brewmaster.
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