Incoming heal color is darker on party frames #592

  • Defect
  • Fixed
Assigned to shadowed103
  • _ForgeUser2117487 created this issue Mar 9, 2013

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. Enable "Show incoming heals" on the party Unit configuration
    2. Target a party member with missing health.
    3. Heal them, you'll see the incoming heal color on target frame is correct, and the color on party frame is a darker version of what it should be.

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    The incoming heal color should be the same on all frames. Instead the incoming heal color on the party frame is too dark. For some reason it is not what it is set as.

    What version of the product are you using?

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    No :(

    Please provide any additional information below.
    Here's a screenshot of what the error looks like:

    You'll see on the top right, prncecharmng's incoming heal color is a very dark blue.

    However, on the target frame it is the correct color, a light blue which I picked in the config.

  • _ForgeUser2117487 added the tags New Defect Mar 9, 2013
  • _ForgeUser2117487 added an attachment WoWScrnShot_030913_220042.jpg Mar 9, 2013


  • _ForgeUser1239238 posted a comment Mar 10, 2013

    Hello, I have the problem since version 3.8.2 also. I've also written a ticket 2 days ago, but this was unfortunately deleted ... The problem lies in the new version of incheal.lua. If I is the new version against an old exchanges (for example, from v3.7.4 g61db1e2) displayed incoming healing in the Group frames correctly.

    I hope that it is now well understood and fixed, because my English is not the best.

    Thanks for the post of a screenshot, so this shows where the problem is.



  • Shadowed103 posted a comment Mar 10, 2013

    Yea the screenshot is what I needed more. I've already had a bunch of reports of people mistaking absorbs for incoming heals and calling it a bug.

    It's fixed.

  • Shadowed103 removed a tag New Mar 10, 2013
  • Shadowed103 added a tag Fixed Mar 10, 2013
  • Shadowed103 closed issue Mar 10, 2013

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