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What steps will reproduce the problem?1. Join a raid2. Reload UI
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?After reloading my UI while in a raid, my raid frames become very scattered. Different columns show at different heights, and players who join the raid will overlap players who were already in the raid.
Unlocking and locking SUF again fixes the layout. Logging out and logging back in does not cause the issue - only reloading my UI breaks it.
What version of the product are you using?v4.0.8-3-g70a9445
Attached are before and after screenshots, as well as my SavedVariables (I tested the built-in import-export, but upon importing my layout to a new profile, nothing happened).
<p>After (SUF is in the bottom left. Ignore grid up there).</p>
<p>Broken profile SVs</p>
Having the same problem since ever, just more serious (raid frame stretches to all height of the screen, all black, no frames can be seen). I don't dare to try unlock/lock because it used to crash the game.
This is with split raid frames I assume?
Yes, Separate raid frames is enabled.
mine looks like this after UI reload: after UI reload
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