Shaman Warning
This mod will play a sound alert when you gain certain shaman buffs/special abilities. I made this because many times I don't even realize I have them due to fights or not reading the entire combat chat.
Supported spells so far
- Ancestral Awakening)
- Clearcasting
- Earth Shield
- Elemental Devastation
- Elemental Mastery
- Executioner
- Eye of the Storm
- Flurry
- Fulmination
- Lava Surge
- Lava Burst
- Lightning Shield
- Maelstrom Weapon
- Mana Tide Totem
- Mongoose
- Tidal Waves
- Water Shield
- Windfury
- Trinkets (List of supported trinkets)
Trinket warning is still being tested, it should work fine with many trinkets but if you find one that doesnt work just send me a message and I will take a look!
You can configure the alerts via the addon tab in interfaces options. They're divided in 5 categories: Elemental, Enhancement, Restoration, Trinket and Miscellaneous.
You can also load the configuration page using the chat commands '/shw' or '/shamanwarning'
Will try to keep on adding warnings to the mod.
Trinket Warning
Trinket Warning has been released to warn you when your trinket's proc (if they're able to). It scans your equiped trinkets everytime you change them to see if the ones equiped are able to proc or are not supported. If you feel that your trinket procs but you cant hear the warning (despite is on), please feel free to PM me about it and I will add it.
If you want to help with the localization of the addon feel free to use the new localization tool
French localization is done for me too ;)
i use either /sw (/sw = stopwatch) or /shamanwarning and it does not work :(
little problem for the french version
What is the command to display Shaman Warning (/SW) ?
because in the French version of wolrd of warcraft /sw = stopwatch
and I am not display options
I left WoW months ago... But Im here again!
Im trying your addon, but... The addon doesnt play any sound :S
How can I change it?
Thanks ^^
Sorry for my english :P
German localization is done :)
I knew checking these boards every waking hour was a good idea :S
Anywho, thanks for that text file, should be a bunch of fun to tinker with. Also, thanks for taking the time to update this awesome mod.
I toggle on Lighting/Water Shield, and when the shield goes out, nothing happens
I didnt test anymore, but I think it will be the same.