All Namespaces
- %([%d.,]+ %a- [Cc]ooldown%)
- %({STAT_NUMBER} %a+ Cooldown%)
- %({STAT_NUMBER} damage per second%)
- %sand%s
- ({STAT_NUMBER} million) [Hh]ealth
- ({STAT_NUMBER} million) [Mm]ana
- ({STAT_NUMBER} thousand) [Hh]ealth
- ({STAT_NUMBER} thousand) [Mm]ana
- ({STAT_NUMBER}) [Hh]ealth
- ({STAT_NUMBER}) [Mm]ana
- ({STAT_NUMBER}) to ({STAT_NUMBER}) [Hh]ealth
- ({STAT_NUMBER}) to ({STAT_NUMBER}) [Mm]ana
- /sec
- [Aa]rmor by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Aa]rmor increased by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Aa]ttack [Pp]ower by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Aa]voidance by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Cc]ritical [Ss]trike
- [Cc]ritical [Ss]trike by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Dd]odge by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Ff]eed up to %d+ people in your raid or party
- [Ff]eed your entire raid or party
- [Ff]eed your party
- [Hh]aste
- [Hh]aste by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Ll]eech by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Mm]astery
- [Mm]astery by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Pp]arry by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Pp]rimary [Ss]tat by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Pp]v[Pp] [Pp]ower by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Pp]v[Pp] [Rr]esilience by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Ss]peed by {STAT_NUMBER}
- [Vv]ersatility by {STAT_NUMBER}
- ^%(*%d*%)*%s*Set
- ^%a+ Artifact Relic$
- ^<Made
- ^<Right
- ^<Shift
- ^Binds on equip
- ^Binds to Account
- ^Binds when picked up
- ^Chance
- ^Chance on hit
- ^Durability
- ^Enchant
- ^Enchanted
- ^Equip
- ^Equip: Chance on being hit to (.+)
- ^Equip: Grants the (.-) ability,?(.+)
- ^Equip: Grants you the (.-) ability,?(.+)
- ^Equip: Taking damage has a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: When you deal damage or heal a target you have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: When you deal damage you have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: When you heal or deal damage you have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: When you heal you have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: When your attacks hit you have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your attacks have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your critical autoattacks have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your damaging spellcasts have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your damaging spells and abilities have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your damaging spells have a chance for (.+)
- ^Equip: Your damaging spells have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your healing effects have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your healing spellcasts have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your healing spells and abilities have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your healing spells have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your melee attacks have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your melee auto attacks (.+)
- ^Equip: Your ranged and melee attacks have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your ranged attacks and spells have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your ranged attacks have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your spells and abilities have a chance to (.+)
- ^Equip: Your spells have a chance to (.+)
- ^Legacy Set
- ^Quest
- ^Reforged
- ^Requires
- ^Season
- ^Socket Bonus
- ^Soulbound
- ^Unique
- ^Unique-Equipped
- ^Use
- ^Use: (.+)
- ^Use: Instantly restores
- ^Use: Instantly restores .- [Cc]ooldown
- ^Use: Restores
- ^Use: Restores .- [Cc]ooldown
- ^Use: Restores .- over (%d+) sec
- ^Use: Restores .- over 20 sec
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Aa]gility
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Aa]rmor
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Aa]ttack [Pp]ower
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Aa]voidance
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Cc]ritical [Ss]trike
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Dd]odge
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Hh]aste
- {STAT_NUMBER} [hH]aste
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Ii]ntellect
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Ll]eech
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Mm]astery
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Pp]arry
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Pp]v[Pp] [Pp]ower
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Pp]v[Pp] [Rr]esilience
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Ss]peed
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Ss]tamina
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Ss]trength
- {STAT_NUMBER} [Vv]ersatility
- {STAT_NUMBER} Agility
- {STAT_NUMBER} Arcane damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} Arcane Resistance
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Arcane
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Arcane damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Fire
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Fire damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Frost
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Frost damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Holy
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Holy damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Nature
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Nature damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Physical
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Physical damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Shadow
- {STAT_NUMBER} as Shadow damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} Critical Strike
- {STAT_NUMBER} Fire damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} Fire Resistance
- {STAT_NUMBER} Frost damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} Frost Resistance
- {STAT_NUMBER} Holy damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} in a stat
- {STAT_NUMBER} in a useful stat
- {STAT_NUMBER} Increased Critical Effect
- {STAT_NUMBER} Intellect
- {STAT_NUMBER} Item Levels
- {STAT_NUMBER} Mastery
- {STAT_NUMBER} Nature damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} Nature Resistance
- {STAT_NUMBER} Physical damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} Shadow damage
- {STAT_NUMBER} Shadow Resistance
- {STAT_NUMBER} Spell Power
- {STAT_NUMBER} Spirit
- {STAT_NUMBER} Strength
- {STAT_NUMBER} Versatility
- Ability
- Agility
- Agility by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Arcane Artifact Relic
- Arcane damage
- Arcane Resistance
- Armor
- Artifact Item Level
- Artifact Relic: Unusable
- Artifact Relic: Usable (Active Spec)
- Artifact Relic: Usable (Inactive Spec)
- Artifact Relics
- Artifact Talent Rank
- Attack Power
- attack power by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Avoidance
- block by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Block Rating
- Blood Artifact Relic
- Chance on Hit
- Chance on: Attacks
- Chance on: Being Hit
- Chance on: Critical Auto-Attacks
- Chance on: Damaging Spellcasts
- Chance on: Damaging Spells
- Chance on: Damaging Spells, Abilities
- Chance on: Dealing Damage
- Chance on: Dealing Damage, Healing
- Chance on: Effect
- Chance on: Healing
- Chance on: Healing Effects
- Chance on: Healing Spellcasts
- Chance on: Healing Spells
- Chance on: Healing Spells, Abilities
- Chance on: Hit Attacks
- Chance on: Melee
- Chance on: Melee Attacks
- Chance on: Melee, Ranged
- Chance on: Ranged
- Chance on: Ranged Attacks
- Chance on: Ranged Attacks, Spells
- Chance on: Ranged, Spells
- Chance on: Spells
- Chance on: Spells, Abilities
- Chance on: Taking Damage
- Chance on: Title
- Colors
- Critical Strike
- critical strike by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Debug
- Design
- Dodge
- dodge by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Dodge Rating
- Effect on: Effect
- Effect on: Melee Auto-Attacks
- Effect on: Title
- Enable
- Enable Caching
- Enable Dimming of Useless Stats
- Enable Parsing
- Enable parsing of Artifact Relic types.
- Enable parsing of miscellaneous stats, such as Item Level, Requires, Cooldown, Class etc.
- Enable Partial Matches
- Enable Shortening
- Enable Stripping Embedded Colors
- Enables caching of strings and their parsed result, significantly reducing CPU usage at the price of a slight increase in memory usage.
- Enables dimming of stats not useful to the players current class.
- Enables matching parts of text, such as stats in Equip/Use/Chance on Hit/Enchant/Socket or Gem descriptions, instead of only entire lines.
- Enables parsing in Chance on Hit descriptions.
- Enables parsing in Enchant descriptions.
- Enables parsing in Socket/Gem descriptions.
- Enables parsing in Use descriptions.
- Enables partial coloring in Equip descriptions.
- Enables stripping color codes embedded in the text of stats, such as those found on Artifacts with +1 Rank: Minor Trait, where +1 Rank would become green.
- Enables transformation of certain Equip effects.
- Enchant
- Enchant Color
- Equip
- Equip Coloring
- Equip Transformation
- Equip: Armor increased by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Equip: Increases attack power by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Equip: Increases spell power by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Equip: Increases your block by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Equip: Increases your critical strike by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Equip: Increases your dodge by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Equip: Increases your expertise by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Equip: Increases your haste by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Equip: Increases your mastery by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Equip: Increases your parry by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Expertise Rating
- Feast
- Fel Artifact Relic
- Fire Artifact Relic
- Fire damage
- Fire Resistance
- for %s sec
- for {DURATION}
- for 20 sec
- Formula
- Frost Artifact Relic
- Frost damage
- Frost Resistance
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Agility.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Armor.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Avoidance.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Critical Strike.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Haste.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Intellect.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Leech.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Mastery.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} PvP Power.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} PvP Resilience.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Speed.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Stamina.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Strength.+
- Gain {STAT_NUMBER} Versatility.+
- Haste
- haste by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Haste Rating
- health
- health (instant)
- health (over 20 sec)
- health (over X sec)
- Hit Rating
- Holy Artifact Relic
- Holy damage
- If you spend at least 10 seconds eating you will become well fed and (.+)
- Increases your primary stat by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Indestructible
- instant
- Intellect
- Intellect by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Iron Artifact Relic
- Item Level
- Item Level %d*
- Leech
- Legacy
- Life Artifact Relic
- mana
- mana (instant)
- mana (over 20 sec)
- Manual
- Mastery
- Mastery Rating
- Miscellaneous
- Nature damage
- Nature Resistance
- On Use
- Options
- over %s sec
- over 20 sec
- Parry
- Parry Rating
- Pattern
- per second over (%d+) sec
- per second over 20 sec
- Physical damage
- Pick a color
- Plans
- Primary Stat
- Profiles
- PvP Power
- PvP Resilience
- Recipe
- Remove redundant words in Chance on Hit descriptions.
- Remove redundant words in Enchant descriptions.
- Remove redundant words in Equip descriptions.
- Remove redundant words in Socket/Gem descriptions.
- Remove redundant words in Use descriptions.
- Reset
- Restores
- Restores .- over (%d+) sec
- Restores .- over 20 sec
- Set the colors of the various stats.
- Shadow Artifact Relic
- Shadow damage
- Shadow Resistance
- ShinyStats settings
- Shorten Chance on Hit
- Shorten Enchant
- Shorten Equip
- Shorten Separator
- Shorten Socket/Gem
- Shorten Use
- Should normally NOT be enabled. Causes a significant performance impact.
- Shows the blizzard configuration dialog for ShinyStats.
- Socket/Gem
- Special
- Speed
- Spell Penetration
- Spell Power
- Spirit
- Stamina
- Stamina by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Standard
- Stats
- Stats (Legacy)
- Storm Artifact Relic
- Strength
- Strength by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Technique
- The string replacing substituted values.
- Unusable
- Usable by
- Use
- Use: CD
- Use: Effect
- Use: Title
- Useless
- Versatility
- Versatility by {STAT_NUMBER}
- Water Artifact Relic
- Weapon Damage
- Weapon DPS
- Weapon Speed
- Well fed