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- A shuffler with this name already exists.
- Aura applied
- Create
- Create new
- Creates the specified shuffler.
- Delete
- Deletes this shuffler.
- Enable
- Enable or disable this icon shuffler.
- Enables or disables the addon completely.
- Event
- Give this shuffler a unique name so you can easily find it later.
- How long in seconds the shuffler should keep trying to mark before resetting to the lowest index icon on the next time it is triggered. Select a timeout of 0 to reset instantly after the first icon is dealt.
- ICC BQL Pact
- ICC Council Target
- ICC Deathwhisper MC
- ICC Festergut Spores
- ICC LK Valkyrs
- ICC Putricide Plague
- ICC Rotface Infection
- ICC Sindragosa Tombs
- Icons
- Mark enemies
- Mark friendlies
- Name
- Name of the unit, aura or spell to act upon.
- Overwrite icons
- Select all the icons that the shuffler can use. It will start with the lowest index one (Star) and go up to the highest (Skull).
- Select the event upon which to dish out the icons.
- Spell casting
- Target
- Timeout
- Toggles whether this shuffler is capable of marking enemies.
- Toggles whether this shuffler is capable of marking friendlies.
- Unit summoned
- Val'kyr Shadowguard
- Whenever the King of Norway so decides, Shuffle Those Icons lets you create semi-scripted triggers and handlers for automatic raid icon application, or whatever. There are no gnomes involved.
- Whether or not ShuffleThoseIcons will overwrite already-assigned raid target icons or not.
- You forgot to fill in the name or target of the shuffler, or you chose an invalid name.