SimpleMD is a small addon used to broadcast information about your threat redirection spells to your raid or party. SimpleMD now tracks both Misdirection and Tricks of the Trade
Slash Commands
or /smd
- Automatic broadcasting on successful Misdirection/Tricks cast, even from within macros
- Multiple display zones including, the chat frame, to a custom channel, raid warning, raid and party chat, and even to Scrolling Combat Text addons
- Warnings include: MD/Tricks cast, MD/Tricks fading, and cooldown information
- Optional cooldown bars for a visual representation of everyone's MD/Tricks cooldown
- Bars will switch to a 4 or 6 second duration when you are actually transferring threat (for MD and Tricks respectively)
- Improved combat log handling means that SimpleMD is able to track all threat redirection effect casts and fades from any hunter or rogue, even if they don't have SimpleMD
- The addon only sends messages for cooldown alerts
- CD Bars and Cast/Fade/CD warnings are only displayed if you are in a party or raid
Although the addon will detect and display message without any translations, everything will be in English. Currently nothing is fully translated. If you would like to help translate this addon please visit the WoWAce page and use the Localization Tool. Also, if you update the translations, please file a ticket about it so I can make an updated release.
Reporting Bugs/Suggestions
Please use the ticket system to submit bug reports. It makes my life much easier and will get problems fixed quicker since I get an email when a ticket is submitted, but I get nothing for comments on Curse. If you need to discuss something and would rather not use a ticket you can also use the forum thread on the WoWAce forums.
Use to worked nicely.
Update for 8.01 please :)
Announcing in LFR when a hunter misdirects someone else would be the holy grail of all addons, ever please enable raid chat announecment of other hunters. This would not be spam.
Also see the following:
Message: AceLocale-3.0: SimpleMD: Missing entry for 'Show in Instance Chat' Time: 04/10/13 00:06:33 Count: 1 Stack: Interface\AddOns\SimpleMD_Options\Options.lua:540
r265 should fix that one.
Ok adding
L["Show in Instance Chat"] = true L["Toggles broadcasting alerts to Instance chat"] = true
To enUS.lua cleared that :)
This seems to be generating quite a bit of "You are not in a raid group" spam durng raid finder.
Seems to be specific to the followiing "SMDFIFTEEN, SMDTEN,SMDFIVE, SMDREADY"
Even with them all turned off.
I think this was related to some addon communications trying to be sent over raid chat. Alpha version r264 should resolve this, but since my hunter can't do LFR... I'd appreciate a quick test. Thanks!
Thanks, I will test it out tonight!
Ddin't get a chance to do the raid then raid finder last night as I decided dinner was a good idea.
I did have an erro rpopup once last night but I clicked it off as we were actualyl doing a boss, will try and grab it if it happens again.
Works great ;)
Thanks, tagged a release
I've tagged a beta version for 5.2 at the moment because there was a bug with using Instance chat for announcements.
If you have problems with the addon not using Instance chat when it should or the behavior doesn't make sense to you, please comment on it in the following ticket
You may have noticed a post here before that said I wasn't playing WoW anymore. I actually have started playing again, although not nearly as often as I used to. I will still be maintaining my addons, so continue to seek support here or on WowAce.
Even though I have other chats selected, it will not post to other chats that the event has happened. Only self-chat.
Still works fine for me. Printing to party or raid chat only occurs if it was your misdirection/tricks cast. This is to cut down on spam.
You may also need to check "Show Own Alerts"
is there a way this addon can overcome this?
Setting a focus target requires a hardware event (ie. macro or keybinding or mouse click).
This addon is also designed to be completely separate from macros or how you decide to cast Misdirection or Tricks.