Counter of the Quests for the respective Region of Nagrand in Outland and Draenor do not work properly together #13

  • Enhancement
  • magicandy85 created this issue Jan 31, 2023

    Dear Developer of the AddOn 'simple Quest Counter' for WoW,


    I've noticed, that Your AddOn doesn't count properly each in the Categories of Nagrand in Outland and Draenor.
    All Quests of the two individual Categories are counted together, the total Sum of active Quests is displayed identically for both of them.
    The Sum of the Quests should be counted individually for the two different Regions together.


    Maybe this Problem can still be fixed soon, if It's possible. ;o)=


    If you still need ScreenShots or a Video of the Problem I described above to assist You with this, I can still send them to You, if you like.


    Thank You now in Advance for Your Answer! ;)





  • magicandy85 added a tag Enhancement Jan 31, 2023
  • magicandy85 edited description Jan 31, 2023

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