Lua Error when quest log is open during port #7

  • Bug
  • kizmarr created this issue Mar 15, 2020

    Any time I have the quest log open, then take one of the portals in Boralus I get the following Lua error when I appear in the Stormwind portal room:


    Message: ...erface\AddOns\SimpleQuestCounter\QuestLogEntries.lua:34: bad argument #3 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
    Time: Sun Mar 15 16:02:30 2020
    Count: 3
    Stack: ...erface\AddOns\SimpleQuestCounter\QuestLogEntries.lua:34: bad argument #3 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
    [string "=[C]"]: ?
    [string "=[C]"]: in function `format'
    [string "@Interface\AddOns\SimpleQuestCounter\QuestLogEntries.lua"]:34: in function <...erface\AddOns\SimpleQuestCounter\QuestLogEntries.lua:16>
    [string "=[C]"]: in function `QuestLogQuests_Update'
    [string "@Interface\FrameXML\QuestMapFrame.lua"]:445: in function `QuestMapFrame_UpdateAll'
    [string "@Interface\FrameXML\QuestMapFrame.lua"]:573: in function `QuestMapFrame_CloseQuestDetails'
    [string "@Interface\FrameXML\QuestMapFrame.lua"]:587: in function `QuestMapFrame_UpdateSuperTrackedQuest'
    [string "@Interface\FrameXML\QuestMapFrame.lua"]:160: in function <Interface\FrameXML\QuestMapFrame.lua:134>


  • kizmarr added a tag Bug Mar 15, 2020

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