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Curse Client, Microsoft Windows NT 5.1.2600 Service Pack 3
Skada shows on my hunter,mage but does not show on the pally--there is a addition to the mini map on the hunter and mage but, not on the pally. How do I get Skada to work on the pally (Mandellon)
Log on and it isn't there.
Ace3 - Release-r1032 Decursive - DPSTime - DPSTime v2.0.1 Stable r39 Mage Nuggets - 2.32 Retribution FCFS helper (clcret) - v. Skada Damage Meter - 1.2-34 SpellFlash - 5.98 SpellFlash: Argent Tournament Mounts - 1.18.2 SpellFlash: Hunter - 2.16 SpellFlash: Mage - 1.2.14 SpellFlash: Racials - 2.5.2 SpellFlash: Template Module - 1.40.3 SpellFlash: Warlock - 2.42 SpellFlash: Warrior - 2.11.2 SpellStealer - 1.75 Thanks for the Buffs - v0.4
Hey ,
I have the same problem. Skada worked perfectly in last night raid. Worked perfect this morning. But when I logged on my paladin 1 hour ago it didn't show what so ever. I could use /skada .. will show me in chat frame the options but the only one I can use is /skada config ... which opens the config window.. but i can't do anything there. Can't create new window. Can't view windows.. Works great on hunter, death knight, warrior... on paladin it just stopped working. I tried to reinstall it (deleted all files, reinstalled it), I tried to install an older version... same thing. What happend? HELP !
After being annoyed that skada doesn't work on my paladin decided to do some work and figure out what happend. 1. Disabled all addons except skada. Logged... was working 2. Turning each addon at a time to see with which one it gets in conflict. result:
turned on this addon: ** skada stopped working on paladin. Turned off the above addon. skada started to work on paladin. See if it works for you too mate.
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