first bar out of background #36

  • New
  • Patch
Assigned to zarnivoop
  • _ForgeUser1186653 created this issue Mar 19, 2009

    What does the provided patch do?
    while using the background the first bar or the title bar is out the background, especialy when using borders

    Please provide any additional information below.
    I haven't tested the reversegrowth but for the normalgrowth there is only one thing to change to have the all thing center:

    In Skada.lua (r166) line 1263

    g.bgframe:SetPoint("TOP", g.button, "BOTTOM", 0, 0)


    g.bgframe:SetPoint("TOP", g.button, "TOP", 0, 5)

  • _ForgeUser1186653 added the tags New Patch Mar 19, 2009
  • _ForgeUser1186653 edited description Mar 19, 2009
  • _ForgeUser1186653 posted a comment Mar 19, 2009

    edit for line in last version

  • _ForgeUser1186653 posted a comment Mar 19, 2009

    this only fixe while not displaying the title bar. If so, the title is out of the background.

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