Better Metrics / Stacked Bars #409

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to zarnivoop
  • _ForgeUser2008222 created this issue Jan 6, 2015

    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?

    I propose to merge several metrics using "stacked bars".

    • Healing + Overhealing → Healing (2 Stacks)
    • Damage taken + Absorb and mitigation → Damage taken (3 Stacks)
    • Damage taken by spell + Absorb and Mitigation → Damage taken by spell (3 Stacks)

    Stack elements of a bar should have less saturation and/or brightness from left to right. The idea is pretty much stolen from Ask Mr. Robot - see attached mockup image to get the idea :-)

    How could this be done?

    • Add "Stack" support to SpecializedLibBars (4 vertices per stack element, fiddling with uv-coordinates, some HSV color math to derive colors)
    • Allow storage of arrays in window.dataset[nr].value (fallback: simple value)
    • merge modules, as specified above
  • _ForgeUser2008222 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 6, 2015
  • _ForgeUser2008222 added an attachment stacked-bars-mockup.png Jan 6, 2015


    <p>stacked bars mockup</p>

  • zarnivoop posted a comment Jan 16, 2015

    Something similar exists for "Total healing" already. It would be your Healing+Overhealing, but I don't think overheating should be added to the normal Healing mode.

    Could definitely be added to Damage (damage by normal means, absorbed damage).

    Healing + Absorbs would work.

    Damage taken it would work nicely for. Also the Enemy damage taken/done modes.

    Edited Jan 17, 2015

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