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Using version 1.4-30. Currently receiving this error. I'm not sure if it's an issue with the addon itself or a conflict with another addon. I honestly do not think it would be a conflict with another addon since it had been working fine until today.
Currently recieved this error. Skada's window will not show nor will the mini map button.
Date: 2015-06-22 14:06:55ID: 1Error occured in: GlobalCount: 1Message: ...ace\AddOns\Skada\lib\LibWindow-1.1\LibWindow-1.1.lua line 128:attempt to perform arithmetic on a nil valueDebug:...ace\AddOns\Skada\lib\LibWindow-1.1\LibWindow-1.1.lua:128: SavePosition()Skada\BarDisplay.lua:639: ApplySettings()Skada\Skada.lua:1182: ApplySettings()Skada\Skada.lua:657: CreateWindow()Skada\Skada.lua:1162: ReloadSettings()Skada\Skada.lua:2488:Skada\Skada.lua:2487(tail call): ?[C]: ?[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:9:[string "safecall Dispatcher[1]"]:5(tail call): ?Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:558: EnableAddon()Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:651:Ace3\AceAddon-3.0\AceAddon-3.0.lua:636[C]: LoadAddOn()..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:336: UIParentLoadAddOn()..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:415: TimeManager_LoadUI()..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:904:..\FrameXML\UIParent.lua:814
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