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What steps will reproduce the problem?1. Other party/raid members using the "Touch of the Void" heirloom trinket.
What is the expected output? What do you see instead?When Skada is configured to showing Pet Damage combined with the player, The "Void Tendrils" damage from the trinket is displaying as a separate pet/entity rather than combining with their character's total damage and abilities.
What version of the product are you using?Latest build.
Do you have an error log of what happened?n/a
Please provide any additional information below.Other damage meter addon "Details!" functions correctly and does not have this issue.
Last time I checked this was impossible to do correctly in general, because void tendrils are guardians and guardians are not properly identified in the combat log with their owner (unless they belong to yourself). This is why they appear as a separate entity, along with other similar guardians (eg Barracks bodyguards).
Please post a screenshot of Details handling this correctly for a player other than yourself.
@oscarucb: Go
Please see enclosed requested screenshot of both meters side by side. (Click img for full page picture with explanations.)
Full Page picture link
in light of popularity of this trinket, bump ticket. i have same problems
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