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I just started using Skada over Recount and as a new user, I wish there was a way to loop when right clicking the title page to move from tabs to tabs.Right now, if I right click the title, Skada will display choices for modes, letting me choose what I want to display. And this tab with choices won't move away until I either choose something or right click again.And if I right click again it will move to the "fights" tab, letting me choose what fight I want to display. And from this screen, I must choose a boss and then back to the modes where I have to choose a mode before seeing datas again.I wish there was a way to forego completely the need to choose something. Since right clicking the modes tab brings the fights tab and the right click does nothing on this one, it would be great to have the right click go back to datas when I'm on the fights tab. This way if I decide I don't want to choose what fight's data is displayed, I don't have to click 2 specific lines to go back to where I was. (which can be painful if in a fight or in the middle of some progression)So yeah, basically, right click on title bar when in the "Skada : fights" tab brings the user back to whatever mode/fight he was displaying before.
Thanks a lot for reading this, I hope it sounds useful and reasonable ! o7
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