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Bug report keeps popping up when logging in or reloading UI. Even after reinstall of Add On.
Date: 2024-08-29 09:59:30ID: 1Error occured in: GlobalCount: 1Message: Interface/AddOns/Skada/Skada.lua line 2860: attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)Debug: [string "@Interface/AddOns/Skada/Skada.lua"]:2860: Interface/AddOns/Skada/Skada.lua:2794 [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "@Interface/AddOns/Bartender4/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:66: ...AddOns/Bartender4/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:61 [string "@Interface/AddOns/Bartender4/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:494: InitializeAddon() [string "@Interface/AddOns/Bartender4/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:619: ...AddOns/Bartender4/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:611Locals:self = <table> { displays = <table> { } char = <table> { } modules = <table> { } baseName = "Skada" moduleList = <table> { } windowdefaults = <table> { } getsetlabel_fs = FontString { } options = <table> { } versions = <table> { } defaultModuleState = true defaults = <table> { } resetoptions = <table> { } db = <table> { } enabledState = true defaultModuleLibraries = <table> { } cleuFrame = Frame { } name = "Skada" orderedModules = <table> { } classcolors = <table> { }}profiles = <table> { plugins = <table> { } type = "group" name = "Profiles" args = <table> { } order = 600 disabled = false handler = <table> { } desc = "Manage Profiles"}panel = SkadaBlizzOptions { name = "Skada"}(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = SkadaBlizzOptions { name = "Skada"}(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'InterfaceOptions_AddCategory' (a nil value)"media = <table> { OverrideMedia = <table> { } callbacks = <table> { } LOCALE_BIT_zhTW = 8 LOCALE_BIT_ruRU = 2 MediaType = <table> { } LOCALE_BIT_western = 128 MediaTable = <table> { } LOCALE_BIT_zhCN = 4 DefaultMedia = <table> { } MediaList = <table> { } LOCALE_BIT_koKR = 1}Skada = <table> { displays = <table> { } char = <table> { } modules = <table> { } baseName = "Skada" moduleList = <table> { } windowdefaults = <table> { } getsetlabel_fs = FontString { } options = <table> { } versions = <table> { } defaultModuleState = true defaults = <table> { } resetoptions = <table> { } db = <table> { } enabledState = true defaultModuleLibraries = <table> { } cleuFrame = Frame { } name = "Skada" orderedModules = <table> { } classcolors = <table> { }}lds = <table> { registry = <table> { } mixin = <table> { } upgrades = <table> { } currentSpec = 0 eventFrame = Frame { } options = <table> { }}L = <table> { Toggles showing the minimap button. = "Toggles showing the minimap button." Lines = "Lines" CC = "CC" The sound that will be played when your threat percentage reaches a certain point. = "The sound that will be played when your threat percentage reaches a certain point." DamageTaken = "Damage Taken" Rename window = "Rename window" Whisper = "Whisper" Choose which data feed to show in the DataBroker view. This requires an LDB display addon, such as Titan Panel. = "Choose which data feed to show in the DataBroker view. This requires an LDB display addon, such as Titan Panel." Send report = "Send report" Damage = "Damage" Skada summary = "Skada summary" Right-click to open menu = "Right-click to open menu" Dispels = "Dispels" Use role icons where applicable. = "Use role icons where applicable." Name of recipient = "Name of recipient" Damage spell details = "Damage spell details" Apply theme = "Apply theme" Officer = "Officer" The background color of the title. = "The background color of the title." Do not warn while tanking = "Do not warn while tanking" Top right = "Top right" Use class icons where applicable. = "Use class icons where applicable." Data segments to keep = "Data segments to keep" Windows = "Windows" Options = "Options" Reset on joining a group = "Reset on joining a group" Damage taken by spell = "Damage taken by spell" Mode description = "Jump to a specific mode." Skada will not collect any data when automatically hidden. = "Skada will not collect any data when automatically hidden." Buff uptimes = "Buff uptimes" Bar orientation = "Bar orientation" Deletes the chosen window. = "Deletes the chosen window." ENABLED = "ENABLED" Yes = "Yes" Themes = "Themes" Damage from = "Damage from" Hint: Left-Click to set active mode. = "Hint: Left-Click to set active mode." Margin = "Margin" Absorb = "Absorb" Title height = "Title height" 's Fails = "'s Fails" Choose the alternate color of the bars. = "Choose the alternate color of the bars." Show totals = "Show totals" Health = "Health" Disable = "Disable" Automatically switch to set 'Current' and this mode when entering combat. = "Automatically switch to set 'Current' and this mode when enteriAddOns: Swatter, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) Auctioneer, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) AuctioneerStatsOverTime, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) AuctioneerUtilDealFinder, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) AuctioneerUtilValuer, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) BagBrother, v Bagnon, v11.0.11 Bartender4, v4.15.0 DBMCore, v11.0.3 DBMStatusBarTimers, v11.0.3 DBMVPVEM, vaf7e6f3 OmniCC, v11.0.1 Pawn, v2.10.1 Skada, v1.8.4 SlideBar, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) Stubby, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) BlizRuntimeLib v11.0.2.56313(US) <enUS> (ck=263)
Another bug popped up after completing a fight.
Date: 2024-08-29 10:07:21ID: 2Error occured in: GlobalCount: 1Message: Interface/AddOns/Skada/modules/Damage.lua line 346: attempt to call global 'GetSpellInfo' (a nil value)Debug: [string "@Interface/AddOns/Skada/modules/Damage.lua"]:346: Update() [string "@Interface/AddOns/Skada/Skada.lua"]:2471: AddSubviewToTooltip() [string "@Interface/AddOns/Skada/Skada.lua"]:2542: ShowTooltip() [string "@Interface/AddOns/Skada/BarDisplay.lua"]:178: Interface/AddOns/Skada/BarDisplay.lua:174Locals:self = <table> { modules = <table> { } title = "Ísabellá's Damage" defaultModuleLibraries = <table> { } playerid = "Player-5-0DDFC0CF" baseName = "Enchantrix" scanned = true enabledState = true defaultModuleState = true moduleName = "Damage spell list" metadata = <table> { } name = "Skada_Damage spell list" orderedModules = <table> { }}win = <table> { changed = false metadata = <table> { } dataset = <table> { } usealt = true history = <table> { }}set = <table> { healingabsorbed = 0 _playeridx = <table> { } dispells = 0 ccbreaks = 0 time = 29 interrupts = 0 endtime = 1724944031 starttime = 1724944002 damage = 577548 players = <table> { } deaths = 0 damagetaken = 43521 power = <table> { } ffdamagedone = 0 healing = 104925 auras = <table> { } mobtaken = 577548 overhealing = 0 mobs = <table> { } name = "Blazing Proto-Dragon" mobname = "Blazing Proto-Dragon" shielding = 94025 mobhdone = 0 last_action = 1724944002 mobdone = 42399}player = <table> { last = 1724944031 healingabsorbed = 0 class = "WARLOCK" damaged = <table> { } dispells = 0 role = "NONE" time = 29 interrupts = 0 ffdamagedonetargets = <table> { } ffdamagedonespells = <table> { } damage = 577548 damagespells = <table> { } ffdamagedone = 0 healed = <table> { } shielding = 94025 id = "Player-5-0DDFC0CF" first = 1724944002 ccbreaks = 0 damagetakenspells = <table> { } auras = <table> { } power = <table> { } name = "Ísabellá" overhealing = 0 healingspells = <table> { } healing = 104925 damagetaken = 43521 maxhp = 348159}max = 0nr = 1(for state) = <table> { Chaos Bolt = <table> { } Thogthang: Attack = <table> { } Thogthang: Consuming Shadows = <table> { } Incinerate = <table> { } Immolate = <table> { } Conflagrate = <table> { }}(for control) = "Chaos Bolt"spellname = "Chaos Bolt"spell = <table> { criticalamount = 156692 id = 116858 min = 71991 criticalmax = 84701 critical = 2 criticalmin = 71991 school = 124 max = 84701 totalhits = 2 damage = 156692}d = <table> { id = "Chaos Bolt" label = "Chaos Bolt"}(*temporary) = nil(*temporary) = 116858(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'GetSpellInfo' (a nil value)"Skada = <table> { last = <table> { } displays = <table> { } char = <table> { } modules = <table> { } baseName = "Skada" windowdefaults = <table> { } getsetlabel_fs = FontString { } options = <table> { } versions = <table> { } defaultModuleState = true defaults = <table> { } resetoptions = <table> { } db = <table> { } enabledState = true defaultModuleLibraries = <table> { } total = <table> { } cleuFrame = Frame { } name = "Skada" orderedModules = <table> { } classcolors = <table> { }}
AddOns: Swatter, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) Auctioneer, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) AuctioneerStatsOverTime, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) AuctioneerUtilDealFinder, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) AuctioneerUtilValuer, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) BagBrother, v Bagnon, v11.0.11 Bartender4, v4.15.0 DBMCore, v11.0.3 DBMStatusBarTimers, v11.0.3 DBMVPVEM, vaf7e6f3 Enchantrix, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) Informant, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) OmniCC, v11.0.1 Pawn, v2.10.1 Skada, v1.8.4 SlideBar, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) Stubby, v11.x.BETA.4 (TheWarWithBlizzardAPIs) Titan, v8.1.2 TitanBag, v8.1.2 TitanClock, v8.1.2 TitanGold, v8.1.2 TitanLocation, v8.1.2 TitanLootType, v8.1.2 TitanPerformance, v8.1.2 TitanRepair, v8.1.2 TitanVolume, v8.1.2 TitanXP, v8.1.2 ZPerl, v7.3.6 ZPerlArcaneBar, v ZPerlCustomHighlight, v ZPerlParty, v ZPerlPartyPet, v ZPerlPlayer, v ZPerlPlayerBuffs, v ZPerlPlayerPet, v ZPerlRaidAdmin, v ZPerlRaidFrames, v ZPerlRaidHelper, v ZPerlRaidMonitor, v ZPerlRaidPets, v ZPerlTarget, v ZPerlTargetTarget, v BlizRuntimeLib v11.0.2.56313(US) <enUS> (ck=4ca)
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