Simplified Chinese
All Namespaces
- (reload required)
- Achievement Style
- Achievement UI
- Action Buttons
- Addon List Frame
- Addons Delay
- Addons Frames
- Adventure Guide
- Adventure Map
- Alert Frames
- Allied Races UI
- Alt-Drag to move
- Alternate Power Bars
- Anima Diversion UI
- Anima Powers
- Archaeology UI
- Arena
- Arena Frame
- Arena Registrar Frame
- Artifact UI
- Auction House UI
- Auction UI
- Auto Complete Frame
- AutoPopUp Frames
- AutoPopUps Skin
- Azerite Essence UI
- Azerite Item Toasts
- Azerite Respec UI
- Azerite UI
- Backdrop
- Backdrop Border Colour
- Backdrop Colour
- Backdrop Texture
- Backdrop Texture File
- Backdrop TileSize
- Background
- Background Alpha
- Background Colour
- Background Settings
- Background Texture
- Background Texture File
- Baggins Bank Bags Colour
- Bank Frame
- Barber Shop UI
- Battle Score Frame
- Battlefield Frame
- Battlefield Map Frame
- Battlefield Minimap Options
- BattleNet Frames
- Behavioral Messaging Frames
- BF Alpha
- BF Fade Height
- BF Height
- BF Invert Gradient
- BF Move Origin offscreen
- BF Rotate Gradient
- BF Toggle Border
- BF Width
- Black Market UI
- Blizzard Frames
- Border
- Border Colour
- Border Inset
- Border Texture
- Border Texture File
- Border Width
- Boss Banner Toast
- Bottom Frame
- BottomFrame Show
- Buffs Buttons
- Button Borders
- Button Settings
- Buttons
- Calendar
- Casting Bar Frames
- CF Fade Height
- Challenges UI
- Change Alpha value of the BottomFrame
- Change Alpha value of the TopFrame
- Change Height of the Bottom Band
- Change Height of the BottomFrame
- Change Height of the Top Band
- Change Height of the TopFrame
- Change MiddleFrame1 settings
- Change MiddleFrame2 settings
- Change MiddleFrame3 settings
- Change MiddleFrame4 settings
- Change MiddleFrame5 settings
- Change MiddleFrame6 settings
- Change MiddleFrame7 settings
- Change MiddleFrame8 settings
- Change MiddleFrame9 settings
- Change Opacity value of the Unit Frames' Background
- Change the BottomFrame settings
- Change the Colour of the MiddleFrame(s)
- Change the Colour of the Status Bar Background
- Change the Height of the Fade Effect
- Change the MF1 Frame Level
- Change the MF1 Frame Strata
- Change the MF2 Frame Level
- Change the MF2 Frame Strata
- Change the MF3 Frame Level
- Change the MF3 Frame Strata
- Change the MF4 Frame Level
- Change the MF4 Frame Strata
- Change the MF5 Frame Level
- Change the MF5 Frame Strata
- Change the MF6 Frame Level
- Change the MF6 Frame Strata
- Change the MF7 Frame Level
- Change the MF7 Frame Strata
- Change the MF8 Frame Level
- Change the MF8 Frame Strata
- Change the MF9 Frame Level
- Change the MF9 Frame Strata
- Change the MiddleFrame(s) settings
- Change the Module's settings
- Change the TopFrame settings
- Change the Unit Frames settings
- Change the ViewPort settings
- Change Width of the BottomFrame
- Change Width of the Left Band
- Change Width of the Right Band
- Change Width of the TopFrame
- Change X Resolution
- Change Y Resolution
- Character Customize Frame
- Character Frames
- Chat Bubbles
- Chat Bubbles Skin
- Chat Buttons
- Chat Channels UI
- Chat Config Frame
- Chat Edit Box
- Chat Edit Box Frames
- Chat Edit Box Style
- Chat Frames
- Chat Menus
- Chat Sub Frames
- Chat Tabs
- Chat Tabs Fade
- Check Buttons
- Choose the
- Choose the Texture for the Backdrop
- Choose the Texture for the Background
- Choose the Texture for the Border
- Choose the Texture for the EditBox Border
- Choose the Texture for the Gradient
- Choose the Texture for the Inactive Tab & DropDowns
- Choose the Texture for the Status Bars
- Choose the Texture for the Viewport
- Chromie Time UI
- Cinematic Frame
- Class Coloured
- Class Coloured Background
- Class Coloured Border
- Class Coloured Gradient
- Class Coloured Tooltip
- Class Talent UI
- Class Trial Frames
- Click to open config panel
- Coin Pickup Frame
- Collections Journal
- Color Picker Frame
- Colour
- Colours
- CombatLog Quick Button Frame
- Communities UI
- Compact Frames
- Confirm reload of UI to activate profile changes
- Console Frame
- Container Frames
- Containers Skin
- Contribution Frame
- Covenant Preview UI
- Covenant Renown
- Covenant Sanctum
- Covenant Toasts
- Craft UI
- Ctrl-Drag to resize
- Currency Transfer
- Customer Support Frame
- Death Recap Frame
- Debug Tools Frames
- Default Backdrop
- Default Colours
- Delay before Skinning
- Delves UI
- Destiny Frame
- Developer Console Frame
- Disable Addon/Library Skins
- Disable all Addon/Library Skins
- Disable all NPC Frames
- Disable all Player Frames
- Disable all the Addon/Library skins
- Disable all the NPC Frames from being skinned
- Disable all the Player Frames from being skinned
- Disable all the UI Frames from being skinned
- Disable all UI Frames
- Disabled Skins
- Disabled Text Colour
- Dress Up Frame
- Dropdown Frames
- DropDown Panels
- Dungeon Journal
- Edit Mode
- EditBox Border
- Either
- Enable AddOn Frames Gradient
- Enable Character Frames Gradient
- Enable NPC Frames Gradient
- Enable Skinner Frames Gradient
- Enable the Gradient Effect for AddOn Frames
- Enable the Gradient Effect for the Character Frames
- Enable the Gradient Effect for the NPC Frames
- Enable the Gradient Effect for the Skinner Frames
- Enable the Gradient Effect for the UserInterface Frames
- Enable UserInterface Frames Gradient
- Equipment Flyout
- Event Toast Manager Frame
- Event Trace
- Expansion Landing Page
- Extra Action Button
- Extra Item
- Fade Height
- Fade Height value
- Feedback
- File
- Filename
- Fix the Height of the Fade Effect
- Fixed Fade Height
- Flight Map
- Focus
- Force ALL Frame Fade Height's to be Global
- Force the Global Fade Height
- Frame Borders
- Frame Control Buttons
- Frame Control Buttons Border
- Garrison UI
- Ghost Frame
- Glaze Frames
- Glaze Status Bar
- Glaze Timer
- Global Fade Height
- Gloss Effect
- Glyph UI
- GM Chat UI
- GM Survey UI
- Gossip Frame
- Gradient
- Gradient Effect
- Gradient Maximum Colour
- Gradient Minimum Colour
- Gradient Texture
- Group Finder
- Group Finder Frame
- GroupLoot Size
- Guild & Communities
- Guild Bank UI
- Guild Control UI
- Guild Invite Frame
- Guild Registrar Frame
- Guild UI
- have no Background or Gradient textures
- Header Blocks
- Help Frames
- Help Tips
- Hide Border on Left and Bottom
- Hide Border on Left and Top
- Ignored Text Colour
- Inactive Tab & DropDown Texture
- Inactive Tab & DropDown Texture File
- Inactive Tab & DropDown Texture Settings
- Initial Delay
- Inspect UI
- Interface Options
- Invert Gradient
- Invert the Gradient Effect
- Islands Party Pose UI
- Islands Queue UI
- Item Alteration Frame
- Item Buttons
- Item Interaction UI
- Item Quality Border
- Item Socketing UI
- Item Text Frame
- Item Upgrade UI
- Key Bindings UI
- Level Up Display
- LoD Addons Delay
- Looking for Group
- Looking for Guild UI
- Loot Frames
- Loot History Frame
- Loss Of Control Frame
- Macros UI
- Mail Frame
- Main Menu Bar
- Major Factions UI
- Menu Frames
- Merchant Frame
- MF Colour
- MF Fade Height
- MF Lock Frames
- MF Names
- MF Toggle Border
- MF1 Frame Level
- MF1 Frame Strata
- MF2 Frame Level
- MF2 Frame Strata
- MF3 Frame Level
- MF3 Frame Strata
- MF4 Frame Level
- MF4 Frame Strata
- MF5 Frame Level
- MF5 Frame Strata
- MF6 Frame Level
- MF6 Frame Strata
- MF7 Frame Level
- MF7 Frame Strata
- MF8 Frame Level
- MF8 Frame Strata
- MF9 Frame Level
- MF9 Frame Strata
- Middle Frame(s)
- Middle Frame1
- Middle Frame2
- Middle Frame3
- Middle Frame4
- Middle Frame5
- Middle Frame6
- Middle Frame7
- Middle Frame8
- Middle Frame9
- MiddleFrame1 Show
- MiddleFrame2 Show
- MiddleFrame3 Show
- MiddleFrame4 Show
- MiddleFrame5 Show
- MiddleFrame6 Show
- MiddleFrame7 Show
- MiddleFrame8 Show
- MiddleFrame9 Show
- Minimal Style
- Minimap
- Minimap Button Options
- Minimap Buttons
- Minimap icon
- Minimap Options
- Mirror Texture
- Module settings
- Modules
- Mounts and Pets Frame
- Move Pad
- Movie Frame
- Nameplates
- Navigation Bar
- New Player Experience
- New Player Experience Guide Frame
- No Tiling
- NPC Frames
- ObjectiveTracker Frame
- Obliterum UI
- of the Dressing Room Frame
- of the LFG Popup
- Options Frame
- or choose which Addon/Library skins to disable
- or choose which frames to skin
- Order Hall UI
- Overlay Settings
- Override Action Bar
- Party
- Pet
- Pet Battle UI
- Pet Level
- Pet Lvl
- Pet Spec
- Petition Frame
- Player
- Player Choice Frame
- Player Frames
- Player Spells
- Player vs. Player
- Product Choice Frame
- Professions
- Professions Book Frame
- Profiles
- Provides a Minimalist UI by removing the Blizzard textures
- PTR Feedback Frames
- PVP Frame
- PVP Match Frame
- Quest Frame
- Quest Info Frame
- Quest Log
- Quest Map
- Quest Session Frames
- Quest Timer
- Queue Status Frame
- Raid Frame
- Raid UI
- Ready Check Frame
- Reforging UI
- Repeat Texture
- Report Frame
- Reset
- Reset to default position
- Role Poll Popup
- Rotate Gradient
- Rotate the Gradient Effect
- Rune Forge UI
- Runes UI
- Scrapping Machine UI
- Script Errors Frame
- Scroll Of Resurrection
- Set
- Set Backdrop Border Colour
- Set Backdrop Colour
- Set Backdrop Texture Filename
- Set Backdrop TileSize
- Set Background Texture Filename
- Set Baggins Bank Bags Colour
- Set Border Inset
- Set Border Texture Filename
- Set Border Width
- Set Gradient Maximum Colour
- Set Gradient Minimum Colour
- Set Ignored Text Colour
- Set Inactive Tab & DropDown Texture Filename
- Set Text Body Colour
- Set Text Heading Colour
- Set the
- Set the Achievement style (Textured, Untextured)
- Set the Background Alpha value
- Set the Chat Edit Box style (Frame, EditBox, Borderless)
- Set the Delay before Skinning Load on Demand Frames
- Set the GroupLoot size (Normal, Small, Micro)
- Set the Tooltips Border colour (Default, Custom)
- Set the Tooltips style (Rounded, Flat, Custom)
- Set the World Map size (Normal, Fullscreen)
- Set Tooltip Border Colour
- Set ViewPort Colour
- Set Viewport Texture Filename
- Show Dressing Room
- Show Errors
- Show LFG
- Show Warnings
- Skin
- Skin Buttons
- Skin Frame
- Skin Frames
- Skinner
- Skinning Delays
- Slider & EditBox
- Social Frame
- Soulbinds Frame
- Spell Flyout
- SpellBook & Abilities
- SpellBook Frame
- Stable Frame
- Stack Split Frame
- Static Popups
- Status Bar
- Status Bars
- Subscription Interstitial UI
- System Options
- Tabard Frame
- Talent UI
- Talents & Spellbook
- Talking Head
- Talking Head UI
- Target
- Taxi Frame
- Text Body Colour
- Text Heading Colour
- Text To Speech Frame
- Texture
- Textured DropDown
- Textured Tab
- Textures
- TF Alpha
- TF Fade Height
- TF Height
- TF Invert Gradient
- TF Move Origin offscreen
- TF Rotate Gradient
- TF Toggle Border
- TF Width
- the
- The profile
- Tile Background
- Tile or Stretch Background
- Tile or Stretch the Texture
- Tile Type
- Time Manager Frame
- Timer Frames
- Toggle the background texture
- Toggle the Border
- Toggle the border of
- Toggle the BottomFrame
- Toggle the Default Backdrop
- Toggle the fading of the Chat Tabs
- Toggle the Frame Lock
- Toggle the Frame Name(s)
- Toggle the glazing of the
- Toggle the Global Fade Height
- Toggle the Gloss Effect for the Minimap
- Toggle the Gradient Effect
- Toggle the Inversion of the Gradient
- Toggle the MiddleFrame1
- Toggle the MiddleFrame2
- Toggle the MiddleFrame3
- Toggle the MiddleFrame4
- Toggle the MiddleFrame5
- Toggle the MiddleFrame6
- Toggle the MiddleFrame7
- Toggle the MiddleFrame8
- Toggle the MiddleFrame9
- Toggle the minimap icon
- Toggle the Pet Level on the Pet Frame
- Toggle the Pet Spec on the Pet Frame
- Toggle the Rotation of the Gradient
- Toggle the Showing of Errors
- Toggle the Showing of Warnings
- Toggle the skin of the
- Toggle the skinning of
- Toggle the skinning of the
- Toggle the skinning of the Button Borders, reload required
- Toggle the skinning of the Check Buttons, reload required
- Toggle the style of the Minimap Buttons
- Toggle the Texture of the DropDowns
- Toggle the Texture of the Tabs
- Toggle the TopFrame
- Toggle the ViewPort
- Toggle the ViewPort Overlay
- Token UI
- Tooltip
- Tooltip Border Colour
- Tooltips
- Tooltips Style
- Top Frame
- TopFrame Show
- Torghast Level Picker Frame
- Trade Frame
- Trade Skill UI
- Trade Skills UI
- Trading Post
- Trainer UI
- Trait UI
- Tutorial Frame
- Tutorial Manager
- Twitter Login
- UI Buttons
- UI Enhancement
- UI Frames
- UI Widgets
- Unit Frame
- Unit Frame Background Opacity
- Unit Frames
- Unit Popups
- Use
- Use Background Texture
- Use Class Colour for
- Use Class Colour for Background
- Use Class Colour for Border
- Use Class Colour for Gradient
- Use Class Colour for Tooltip
- Use Default Backdrop
- Vehicle UI
- View Port
- ViewPort Colour
- ViewPort Overlay
- ViewPort Show
- Viewport Texture
- Viewport Texture File
- Voice Chat Frames
- Void Storage UI
- VP Bottom
- VP Left
- VP Right
- VP Top
- VP XResolution
- VP YResolution
- Warband Collections
- Warfronts Party Pose UI
- Watch Frame
- Weekly Rewards Frame
- What's New Frame
- will be activated next time you Login or Reload the UI
- World Map Frame
- World Map Size
- Zone Ability